Were I a US citizen he would need to be up against a crowd of idiots so ill-meaning and dangerous in intent that I had no choice but to vote for Obama least I witness a great country be further buried in a sea of anti-intellectualism and ill-placed beliefs. The man has luck on his side, I'll give him that.Ace6301
How is this not happening now? All that's happening on the right is a 3-ring circus over who can say the best thing right now to get the nomination. Then when they get it they will change up against Obama and say the right thing to seem like real change.
All of it is a lie, and we buy into it so easily. Everyone is so entrenched in DC that you literally have to trade away beliefs and agendas to get anything done. Want clean air? Ok, in exchange we need to pay more in tuition ... Want better protection from credit card companies? Better give up some internet privacy ... In a system where it's easier to get bought by lobbyists or to trade votes than it is to stick to your guns and try to accomplish real change, nothing substantial ever happens in one general way or another.
Politicians lie, cheat and worm their way into their positions, then just laugh at us and profit. Even well-meaning people like Obama look corrupt because they are really powerless against the might of Congress.
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