[QUOTE="Farkeman"]theres nothing better than starting a day knowing than your nothing than a dust in this universe and all your life is worthless :(GabuEx
No one but you can make that value judgment - just like anything else in the world, anything can have worth if we give it worth.
That was a great video - the fact that all of the atoms in our bodies were created within the nuclear furnaces of stars, and then released into the universe when the stars were destroyed, is something that has always struck me as profound. We are literally the reincarnation of dead stars.
Nicely put. My life has the value that I put into it.Yes we are less than bacteria in the grand scheme of things, but our thoughts, concepts on math and the sciences, our concepts of democracy and law, of music and harmony -- these things are greater than ourselves, If we can add to our humanity, instead of taking from it by being negative or hurtful, then we achieve greatness.
When I read or see this type of stuff - our origins or place in the world, from a scientific perspective, oddly enough makes me feel divine. It's like the comos is my scripture.
Not knocking religion, of course, but just saying that that emptiness or sadness that the vast time and distances of space creates in the heart is similar to understanding the profundity of God.
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