The small group of loud mouthed atheists are hostile because they think they're under attack. They think that religions are trying to control every thing and everyone, so they feel the need to be defensive. I used to be a loud mouthed atheist, but I try to be more humble now. It doesn't accomplish anything to burn holy books or to insult someone just for having faith,
I agree, I used to be Mad As Hell and Wasn't Going To Take It Anymore! I had religion force-fed to me my whole young life and I reasoned my way out of it. I would blast and condemn any organized faith but all it ends up doing is making you look just as crazy and fanatical as the Holy Rollers. Now I just politely decline ... because I know better for ME.
Everyone knows what is right for th .... wait did I just say that? Nevermind. Religion is right for certain people, and not for others, simple as that. We all need to be fairly decent human beings, regardless of belief system.
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