@BassMan: Why of course it's a joke! What else would a hating troll like you say?
Myles_Dyson's forum posts
@jun_aka_pekto: What system(s) do you play Quake 2 on? I have it on PC, but I prefer sticking to consoles as much as possible. I checked out the otherwise excellent PS1 version. I got to configure the controls, but the inability to configure joystick sensitivity made me give up eventually. I got me the X360 version recently that came with Quake 4. This one was greatly approved of, as I understand. Can't seem to install it on the hard drive, though.
Need for Speed - The Run
Resident Evil 5, 6(they brought amazing replay value to the series! + co-op is going strong)
Max Payne 3(not much else like it these days...)
Serious Sam(plus co-op is going strong)
The Bourne Conspiracy
Dragon's Dogma
Fallout New Vegas
Rainbow Six Vegas games(plus co-op is going strong)
Lost Planet 1, 2(plus co-op is going strong)
Half-Life games
Clive Barker's Jericho
Hitman games
Deus Ex - Invisible War(my favorite and most fun in the series)
These games never get old for me.
The campaign is amazing on the all-new Realistic difficulty addition. It forces you to be slow, move from cover to cover and work together with any co-op partners. The regenerating health system is gone too. You can't get shot a single time(and this system is actually pretty balanced for a player who knows what they're doing!). It's as close as we can get to a new Rainbow Six with a campaign. And it really works as a tactical shooter! Really changes up the usual Call of Duty campaign experience. Being a fan of tactical shooters, I did pretty well during my 1st mission. A player joined me too early on, who learned the ropes pretty fast and went through the whole mission with me. This is my Rainbow Six Siege. Especially because I refused to buy Siege, since it literally doesn't offer even half the content that Black Ops 3 does. I'm glad Call of Duty decided to welcome fans of more realistic shooters as well. Go Treyarch!
And of course, for any fans of Call of Duty 2003 on Veteran difficulty, this will also seem slightly familiar. The new pace at which I had to play Black Ops 3 reminded me of it.
@kvally: What do you mean "us"? Are you like the geth, sharing a group mind or two twins who came out in a single body?
I think the X1 controller is overall shittier and more fragile. I'm having weird problems of my own with it, one year in. While my X360 controller has been fantastic since the beginning.
Try turning off any downloads you may have going on. They also **** up a lot of things in the console.
"with the next console you wont even need a TV you just need the hololense."
Well, I want a TV.
"I fully expect that you'll see another console from us."
Just one or more?
Also, I don't want an all in one device, I want a facking console. And this comes from a new generation kid. The X1 does more than one thing and I use its YouTube app exactly as much as I play games, but it can get much worse than the X1, know what I mean?
And also, I expect physical copies of games to remain forever. I'm having a hard time picturing all the CoDs , Fallouts, Forza Motorsports, GTAs and other AAA beauties as digital only games. It would be like cutting off one's dick voluntarily and making it digital. Besides, all the sales they would lose from all the casuals who like to do a lot of random shopping or buy gifts for familiy members.
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