mynameisdumb's forum posts
Ive learnt that i should really really visit this site less often. seeing all these bashing threads just makes people wanna retaliate and bash a game they had no reason to in the first place. stuff like oh ps3 has no AAAes in gamespot so there are no games for it and are unplayable.
BS i have a preference for the ps3 games out now over the other consoles' games, but ive learnt not to mindlessly bash others. people have loads of different tastes so i can't exactly tell someone what is crap and what is superb. maybe as an opinion but then the amount of bashing and retaliation makes you appreciate games less.
With the amount of nitpicking at games going on it can sometimes ruin an experience you have while you play the game. at the back of your head you may think "hmmm i wonder if hes right". ive learnt not to care what others say but it can still happen.
What about you guys?
I've learned that some people get WAAAAY too offended by a forum titled "SYSTEM WARS", not "let's all enjoy what we have and respect each other's tastes." If you don't want to see "bashing threads" then go to general games discussion, effectively the light side counterpart of System Wars. So, in the spirit of SYSTEM WARS...
Your console tastes are wrong. As you mentioned, the PS3 has no AAAEs and therefore isn't as good as the Wii OR 360 Yout only hopes are a game about a potato sack and MGS4, and why expect much when MGS3 flopped with a AA score (8.7 for those who weren't here for the nuclear bomb of a day). Oh, and Hitman was not that great of a game, and definitely not good enough to justify an avatar.
Isn't System Wars great?
I think you should take a look at my sig,... it notes the shovel ware for the Wii,... IN THE 1st Qrt ALONE.
My friend, there is more trash on the way. At the end of the year, you will only have Smash, NMH and Mario Kart. Maybe Animal Crossing.
It's not like anyone is forcing you to buy the crap in your signature. I own a Wii and I don't own a single game of those you listed. Who cares how much crap is on any given system? You only have to play what you want. I'd much rather have a system with, for example, ten great games and 200 crappy games than a system with nine great games and no crap. Therefore your sig doesn't really apply to me, and I'm sure that therefore it also doesn't apply to most people who frequent these forums.
It still has the least number of AA and AAA titles of any console.kaangonultas
Wait, how many AAAEs does the PS3 have? :| And if you don't mean exclusive, then that's why the Wii60 combo is best.
Based on the God of War review, they have to give it a similar score or they are setting a double standard, which should not be the case.
P.S. I hope SSBB scores well.
So you think a watered-down handheld version of GOW is comparable to SSB:B, potentially the greatest multiplayer game of all time?
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