To me the greatest show ever made is Futurama. It was unfortunate that FOX could not find a way to make the show as successful as Cartoon Network was able to, otherwise it would have never been cancelled. But thanks to Cartoon Network and good DVD sales Futurama has been brought back from the dead and will continue in theaters this fall with a feature length movie, and will begin a new season on Comedy Central in 2008. While that is not new information I still decided to make a Top 5 list of my favorite Futurama episodes...something I've actually meant to do for awhile. For those that have seen the show you may agree or disagree, but these are my favorites. And for those that have never seen the show...go out and get the DVD's or watch Adult Swim from 10:30-11:30pm EST.
5. Space Pilot 3000 - The episode that started it all. While not the greatest episode of Futurama, it laid the foundation for what Futurama was. From big story parts that would later come into play throught the series to even some hidden secrets that people had to look for to notice. Obviously the place to start for newcomers to the series.
4. Xmas Story - A robot santa...more believable then the "real" Santa. But a robot santa that has been programmed to be too strict and instead of bringing presents to everyone, brings pain...hilarious. The episodes was so "bad" in FOX's opinion that they refused to play the follow up Christmas episode the following year because it was too violent. Who cares, a violent santa makes for great TV.
3. Godfellas - When the Planet Express ship gets attacked by Space Pirates, Bender accidentally gets shot of a torpedo tube where he was sleepy (weird yes). Unfortunatley the ship was going at full speed when they shot him so he was going faster than the ship and Fry and Leela would never be able to catch him. Throughout Bender's never ending journey he becomes god of a small race of people that become stuck to him during in a asteroid field. While he tries to be a good god he ultimately fails as the people on his front and back end up having a nucleur war killing everyone. Meanwhile Fry never gives up trying to find god, going so far as to imprisoning a group of monk's (with Leela's help)just to use their audioscope that the have to find the real god. Bender's drifting through space ends when he ends up meeting a being that is assumed to be god. After awhile Fry accidentaly finds Bender and the being sends Bender back to earth after hearing the message from Fry as he was leaving the room. Overall a good Bender episode and a good little lesson in there to "To not rely on people to make things happen for you. Go make sure it happens and do it yourself." (not actually what was said at the end of the episode but basically the message that was delivered.
2. Roswell That Ends Well - Time travel? Yea, the makers of the show said they were never going to do it but they did it anyways...and to good effect.After a freak accident between a supernova and Fry putting an oven cook popcorn canister in the microwave, Fry and company end up back in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico and become the reason for the whole UFO crash that was reported in actual history (and Zoidberg was the captured alien). This is another overall story heavy episode as it ends up explaining why Fry is impervious to the brains' powers (don't ask, watch the show). After being told not to do anything to affect the past, Fry ends up killing his supposed grandpa while trying to protect him and ends up sleeping with his grandma...making him his own grandpa, weird isn't it. But this also sets up future episodes and is just an overall action packed fun episode.
1. Jurrasic Bark - Probably the most emotionally charged epsiode in all of Futurama (although Luck of the Fryrish and Leela's Homeworld come real close), Jurrasic Bark is my favorite episode. The show takes place somewhat in Fry's past and his future about his long lost dog Seymour. After finding Seymour on display at a museum Fry gets his fossilized dog back and is told by the Professor that he can have it cloned. All this makes Bender jealous as Fry is spending more time with his dog instead of him causing Bender to try and make Fry jealous of him. Bender results to trying to destroy Seymour before it is cloned, but ultimately helps save the fossil from being destroyed by jumping in after it after realizing he wants Fry to be happy. After the fossil is recoverd from the lava pit, Seymour's age was determined to be 14, causing Fry to stop the cloning process do to the fact that Seymour lived a long life after Fry was gone. Between the flashbacks to Fry and Seymour in the 90's tothe ending of the episodewhich shows Seymour waiting in front of the Pizza place that Fry worked at until Seymour died it will leave you in tears, especially if you have or have lost a pet. Overall if you only see one episode that shows how great Futurama is,Jurassic Bark is the episode that you want to see. It shows the comedic side of the show, the history that the show has throughout it, and even the emotional effects that the show can deliver to the audience.
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