n11n's forum posts
so anyone wonder if they gonna show new controller with rumble or at least tell when its gonna happen that would be good :)
i wanna know if anyone has found it where i can get the full version of the song :S anyone that knows? plaese keep this up because i really want the song and i am sure other wants it to so i hope you all can help me because i am gonna look around the internet for it and if i find the full version i will post it on this topic and if you know anything about where to get the full song please write it here because its kinda hard to find this song in full version...i only found the version from the clip but its not the full version but its an audio format though...so keep looking if you want to i hope that someone might find the full version :|
like the topics says
i hope they will show us new ingames demos killzone 2 or white knight story :)
please if anyone knows just post and tell where to get thefull version of the song really loved the song :?
like topic says :)
i wanna know where to find the full version of the songthat was playing in the final fantasy vsXIII i really liked it and hoppefully someone knows where to find the song :)
when i just heard thins song i really wanted it but i dont seem to find it anywhere...anyone that knows where to find it ? and i mean the full version :D because the version from the clip isnt the full music...something is wierd with this song though when i heard it i kinda felt like ive heard it before :shock:
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