nambrose's forum posts
to start off i have a 20GB ps3. (original 8))
but today i sadly ran out of space because i have about 15 saves and 2 downloaded games.
so i figure, "hey, why not delete devil may cry 4? the game ive put 18 hours of my life into so i can get those 4GB back."
WRONG. i deleted the saves and i only have like a 1000 or so MB. :cry::cry::cry:
anything i did wrong or didnt do at all?
forgot about stevie.
ive beaten the game, but it says i only have 60% of it done.
what else can i do besides find flying rats and do side missions?
besides pee my pants,
im going to have as much video game sex as i can. 8)
but once home does come out (which im sure wont be for another year or so)
will the games youve previously beaten be displayed in the trophy case?
ie. i beat DMC4 a month ago. will that show up in the trophy case once it comes out and will i receive the "accomplishment" points for it?
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