@firedrakez: so interesting update guys. I reloaded Arkham Knight and it plays at 4k with all settings maxed at a rock solid 60fps on my TV. So maybe its more of problem with game optimization?
I also loved that I originally played Origins around christmas when i give me and my employees the week of christmas all the way until January 2nd off. It was so awesome just being holed up playing it, fiance at the time was out of town so i got to be a couch potato for like 2 weeks :D
@HalcyonScarlet: replaying origins right now, I think its my fav. but once im done im gonna replay Knight, i never finished it. just kinda stopped playing :-/
@nameaprice: we are CUSTOMERS of the SW's IP, not OWNERS of it. It is NOT public domain. you nerds are really funny with how you seem to think you actually OWN things youre interested/partake in.
@Utnayan: umm the fact that you seem to think a companies IP, whether theyre the orginal owners/creators or not, have to allow that IP to be used by anyone other than who they say?
@nameaprice: Also like I said I do get 60 FPS but with lots of action on screen it drops to low 50's. still totally playable but I hate ANY kind of frame drop. just ruins the immersion for me :-/
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