@grin89 @EvilShabazz @BlackBaldwin the only problem i have with gun nuts is i just shelled out $2100 for a freakin ar-15! its a dang coyote gun for peets sake!
The sheer fact that MILLIONS of people play games and yet the amount of rampage shootings EVEN by people who actually played violent video games is no where near a level worth considering as a cause, or even partial cause, of shootings OR any act of violence for that matter. Im sorry but people commit senseless violence for ONLY two REAL reasons. 1 Mental illness ie. my moms an ER nurse and she cant even tell me how many people with a mental illness come in and say stuff like "I just wanna go to walmart and kill everyone". 2 S*^% parents, period, just s*^&ty a#@ parents.
everything in moderation is my matto, great graphics are wonderful but without the other pieces ie. story, character dev ect, your left with a farrari that drives like crap
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