@DillTurnips @Scorpion1813 @Lord_Sesshy @DemannameD and yes grey fox WOULD clearly have been the badass way to go but as raiden hideo also gussles come
@twztid13 @demonkingx5 @EctoSpartan why people like you who are obviously NOT rich support a party that only cares about the Rich is sooo beyond me. seriously barrow my M Star .40 and kill yourself, this planet WILL BE MUCH BETTER OFF! how bout that a liberal who owns a GUN and supports the death penalty :D
@twztid13 @demonkingx5 @EctoSpartan seriously? you SIR are whats wrong with my country. do us all a favor and move to texas, you probly are already from there, and succeed from the union PLEASE
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