@stan_boyd I will say the best experiance is when i play with three really tactically involved people. sooooo fun your like jumpin outta ur seat/ falling on the floor laughing cause of what just happened on screan :)
@danielcliment I will say the best experiance is when i play with three really tactically involved people. sooooo fun your like jumpin outta ur seat/ falling on the floor laughing cause of what just happened on screan :)
@triadwarfare kinda dont want the lens flare and sun blind to go, a little more realistic ya know? and it can be used to ur advantage some times, one more weapon/tactic?
I have a PS2 i bought in england (it was an american one cause i was moving back to the states and i traded in my english one before i moved) and it still works today! why? because i take care of my tools and they in turn take care of me ie: DONT LET DUST BUILD UP !!!! BLOW/SUCK OUT THE DUST IN UR CONSOLES ATLEAST ONCE A MONTH!!! but hey im also a pc guy since '92 sooooo i think im a little more educated on such things, always funny when my friends bitch about their consoles breaking and i look at it and there a dust bunny the size of... well a bunny in it :P
@Falru I have a PS2 i bought in england (it was an american one cause i was moving back to the states and i traded in my english one before i moved) and it still works today! why? because i take care of my tools and they in turn take care of me ie: DONT LET DUST BUILD UP !!!! BLOW/SUCK OUT THE DUST IN UR CONSOLES ATLEAST ONCE A MONTH!!! but hey im also a pc guy since '92 sooooo i think im a little more educated on such things, always funny when my friends bitch about their consoles breaking and i look at it and there a dust bunny the size of... well a bunny in it :P
Im a pc guy but i bought a 360, six months later i sold it and got a ps3, i will never buy another console from micosoft AGAIN. POWER in th "P" ie: PC and PS3
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