also in addition to my earlier comments, why the hell are AAA titles trying to go the "beyond two souls interactive/movie route"? that s&*%'s lame as hell :-/
@kenundrum7 im so glad i "downloaded" it before i bought it, AC3 that is. SOOOOOO glad i did cause that game was the MOST hyped let down ive personally ever experienced
@lavadobrazil @nameaprice im betting this game is WAY better than AC3, probly somewhere around the quality of AC2. So if that helps... me im gonna "download" it for my PC first, than if its good ill buy it
@blobby-blobby just make a good story and ill be happy if the protagonist is male OR female, but if shes female i want HUGE tits and NO CLOTHS! hehe jk :P
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