I came here to drink beer and kick ass, and im almost out of asses to kick so i guess ill start on that 30 rack. hey mom! MOM! WHATS SHE DOIN BACK THERE!? anyways so im bangin this chick from the stop and shop when this stray dog starts.... wait where am I?
@noandno @foxrock66 I came here to drink beer and kick ass, and im almost out of asses to kick so i guess ill start on that 30 rack. hey mom! MOM! WHATS SHE DOIN BACK THERE!? anyways so im bangin this chick from the stop and shop when this stray dog starts.... wait where am I?
Im just sayin i like a controller for all games, even FPS, but I PREFER a M&C for FPS. Its just WAY more precise and faster, anyone who disagrees with this just... IDK they just dont know wtf they're talking about
@kevin_42 @nameaprice and why the f*** are launch titles SOOOOOOOO important to people anyway? most of em suck and and all the best games for consoles are created 1/2 through - the end of console lives anyways
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