"This is the time where we've gone from the theory of how the hardware works--what do we think the yield is going to look like, what is the thermal envelope, how do things come together--to really having them in our hands. That's the time where you start tweaking the knobs. Either your theory was right dead on, or you were a little too conservative, or you were a little too aggressive. It's actually been really good news for us," WTF are you talking about dude?
oh and btw i had some serious problems with my 360 when i had it, RROD anyone? so IM sorry but id rather have a conflict i can fix than a shit CON - sole that has to be sent back for 3 months for them to fix a "hardware" problem
hahaha 10 years of this BOX!? well con - soles have only been increasing their life span with every generation sooooooo. although i do kinda like steam box's approach with upgradeable motherbords, cpu's and gpu's. kinda think thts how M$ shoulda went, upgradeable hardware.
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