yea or you could set your religious nut bag gram gram and her F*%$'in idiot friends straight, but then hey i guess you wouldnt get that niffty check in the mail come b day time :_/
yea i stole witcher 2 and after playing it i bought the enhanced edition. i will never steal a cd projekt red game again, cause they make games WORTH shelling out your hard earned cash for. SCREW companies that put out CRAP games and expect to make $60 off us along with the truly great games that are out there. thats like walmart charging the same as a high end version of whatever they're selling, its BS
@vallan2 head, meet nail :) yea i stole witcher 2 and after playing it i bought the enhanced edition. i will never steal a cdprojekt red game again, cause the make games WORTH shelling out your hard earned cash
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