@OldKye yea the fact that more and more people play violent video games every year should mean that we should see like an astronomical increase in these violent acts attributed to violent video games, guess what? that isnt happening, but dont tell people that, i might not get elected next year
@VenkmanPHD @zerooo0 its all that dang fluoride them dang liberals put into that there drinkin water, whoooo hhhhoooo (starts shooting two pistols in the air) ;)
@MW2ismygame @Total_mischief @nameaprice yeay thats true but that mass shooting happened over in that neck of the woods too, and they REALLY dont allow guns over there :-/
@MW2ismygame @Total_mischief @nameaprice now clearly thats not a MASS KILLING by any stretch but i think he was getting at the fact that is seems almost OK for that to happen. I remeber seeing dudes outside of "REPUBLIC" a club in sheffield where i lived, deat the living crap outta each other and then hug it out and go buy a beer together. weird i thought but atleast they didnt kill each other?
@MW2ismygame @Total_mischief @nameaprice yea totally. although i did live in the UK for 3 1/2 years, and it can be VERY divided over there, as well as anywhere i guess. also have a client who's from the UK loves guns and he said he actually fells the UK is MORE voilent than america. he was saying, and i've noticed this in both our countries, that when he would just even go down to the local pub their would routinely be atleast one major fight a night
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