I'm tired of having to respect other people's characters so much during AE matches. Cammy vs Fei, have to respect his normals, because even though Capcom seemingly wanted Cammy players to play footsies, they never actually gave her anything to compensate for the Cannon Strike and Spiral Arrow nerfs. Have to respect his FA somewhat, sometimes I may get in cr.mk>Spiral Arrow to break the FA, I may not and eat 400 damage. Cammy's far st.hk is FA bait, can't use that. Have to respect his Rekkas, can't whiff even the slightest thing otherwise I get flung into the corner. Chicken Wing, I may stuff it with Cannon Spike, or Fei does it too close to react to, and I have to block and the situation's in his favour. Or I may get hit and eat 450+ damage. Have to respect his wake-up, especially when he's got Ultra 2. Have to worry about online screwing up my combos and reactions.
Had enough. Viper vs Fei. Not in Viper's favour, but since nobody knows how to block, I can just go nuts. FAs? Don't have to respect that, Thunder Knuckle breaks that. Footsies? Rekkas? Don't care, Thunder Knuckle goes underneath Rekkas and I much prefer Viper's footsies than Cammy's vs Fei since Viper gets WAY more reward for it and it's WAY more safe. His wake-up? Don't have to respect that. Viper beats his wake-up until Ultra 2 comes. Plus nobody blocks. He wants to get some offense going? Reversal all day, plant Seismos on his wake-up? Just do it, right? Just do random crap and make it work. Screw blocking/teching. After all, that's what everyone else does, right? Works out for them pretty well. Wing? Thunder Knuckles goes underneath that too.
AE feels so ******* dumb. Yup, that's right, rearrange my character then put in two better versions of her previous self that'll you know everyone's gonna jump on. Nerf a whole buncha chars to pieces, needlessly buff others that didn't need buffing. Add in two new characters that are completely ******* USELESS for serious play; one of them's a poor-man's version of a character that already exists in the game and nobody in their right mind would ever use him over that char, the other's just complete ****. ****, unsafe mix-ups. **** normals, **** fireball. Just TERRIBLE. And leave most of the cast mediocre, and terrible, and boring and ****.
Whines of a scrub.
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