What's up?
by narmi819 on Comments
I am finally level 13, a bionic commando! I also got a serious collector badge!
I reserved Halo 2 last night, and my cousin and I ate a whole domino's pizza!
Well, cya later!
I have received an old school badge! woo hoo!
All I did was add my commodore 64 and atari 2600 games and the next day it came.
My bird is on my shoulder right now. She's so cool! The boy has anger issues..
Well, shes gunna be on all day! Good afternoon!
Woo hoo! I have good taste!
All I need is to add the old games that I found in my attic...
I might get an old-school badge, and if I'm lucky I'll get a serious collector badge, too!
O ya! Believe it! btw, it may be sooner than you think... mwuauAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!
I shall rule all you peeps and no one shall stand in my way! (ya...that means you Knight_ )
Just wait. It'll come one day. Every post must say "Hail the mighty Overlord Imran!"
....*POOF*... (wakes up) :P
Good Night! Today was great.
I played with my birds, went to my cousins house.. and we played N64 togheter.
We just didnt feel like playing PS2, so we played Mario Kart 64! it was fun!
I dont no why, but I have an urge to buy a Nintendo DS now. Its so cool!
Well, bye. School is tomorrow.. that suks. O ya: 800 posts baby!
Hi guys!!! Yesterday was one of the best days in my life!
I got two new birds. But that isn't even the half of it... they're trained!
I was like, "OMG!" They'll never fly away, never crap on you, man their the coolest!
You can keep em on your shoulder all day, and even go outside if you like!
I just dont have names for em. One is a boy and one is a girl, there both cocktiels.
Dark_Priestess Shrine
Go Dark_Priestess your so cool!
You make all the other noobs looks like fools! :P
You know how to make everyone smile!
So cheer for Dark_Priestess, or I'll kick your a$$ for miles!
Hip-Hip! HOORAY!
heh :P
today was good... no school!
i did horrible on this one math test.. hope I didnt fail :D
Good Night!
*yawn* im really tired for no apparent reason..
I played Fire Emblem for like 2 hours. it was great.
I had too much homework though...
Well, good night. tomorrows friday and almost the weekend!
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