@joshbuckler2: They're voice-activated, self-inserting discs. You just tell them to start and they pop out of the case, roll over to the player and jump in.
Either that or this article is unintelligible garbage.
Yeah the response was pretty rough, but to be fair the developer did literally everything wrong, including hyping the game up no end then releasing a piece of crap.
Snyder has absolutely no range as a director. Watchmen is the only thing of his with a plot more complex than a child playing plastic army men in his back yard, that he's actually managed to pull off. And that was 15 years ago. He simply doesn't have the skill.
But the industry will apparently never stop giving him the benefit of the “doubt”.
@mogan: It wasn't immersion-breaking the way Megan Fox was. It wasn't terrible from a skill perspective. But my god what a droning bore to listen to. What a way to ruin the likability of a loved character, and drag down the atmosphere of the whole game.
One of two things must have happened: 1. She had terrible direction. Very unlikely since everyone else was great. 2. She couldn't do it any other way, so they just let her be flat.
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