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nascarfan123 Blog

Next Gen Wars: Who's the real winner?

We are approaching 8 months into having all 3 consoles availible to buy into what's now become the current generation consoles. The XBOX 360, as we all know, was released in November 2005 while both the Nintendo Wii and Playstation 3 were both released a year later. Both Microsoft and Sony took the approach into beefing up their systems with the latest technology in processors, memory, and graphics. Meanwhile, Nintendo took a side step and decided to try to change the way people would play video games; the result was the Nintendo Wii. The Wii's controller was unlike anything anyone had seen before; the main portion of the controller looked like a small remote control for your TV, giving it the name the Wii Mote, with a small attachment that had a little thumb joystick that could be removed, giving it the nickname the Nunchuck. The tip of the Wii Mote had a little sensor on front end of it, and the majority of controls were controlled by the motions of the Wii Mote. For instance, if you were playing a baseball game swinging the Wii Mote will make your character swing their baseball bat. Was this successfull? The XBOX 360 has been around for 19 months and has sold roughly 11,100,00 consoles, that averages about 580,000 per month. The Playstation 3 has been out for 7 months (precisely June 17th) and has sold roughly 3,300,000 consoles, averaging 470,000 per month. The Nintendo Wii has also been around for about 7 months and has sold roughly 7,700,000 consoles, averaging 1,100,000 per month. While the Nintendo Wii may not be leading in total number of sales yet, it is leading in having the most consoles sold each day. If the consoles continue to sell at the same rate as they are now, then the Nintendo Wii will surpass the XBOX 360 in sales sometime around January or Feburary next year. As of now the winner appears to be the Nintendo Wii, but there will be major factors that will affect sales in the upcoming years. Whether its price of the console, holiday specials, and even exclusive game releases.

Now in Michigan

So I've been living in Michigan for a week now. I've had to setback from having DSL down to dail-up. Takes forever to load anything and really makes my visits online few and short lived. There is DSL availible in my area but it will be at least another week until I get it.

California to Michigan

Today I will be packing up my computer. Tomorrow I'll be beginning my long journey of moving from Riverside, California to Battle Creek, Michigan. My trip will be about 8-9 days because during my trip I will be stopping to visit some family for a few days. I don't know when I'll have my computer unpacked, but you'll hear from me when I do.

Game Sell List

Well today I went into my local Gamestop and traded in a bunch of games for my XBOX that I never played anymore. Those games were: Black Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Hunter: The Reckoning Redeemer Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Nascar Thunder 2004 Nascar 2005 Chase for the Cup Nascar 2006 Total Team Control Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 The Simpsons: Hit & Run Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell I got about $25 in store credit, I'm now down to 7 games on my XBOX.

Civilization IV Review Preview

Ok so I've had this game for a week now and here's some ot the things that I might be pointing out when I review this game, most of this is just by playing the single player, and not the multi player. The Good - Decent 3D graphics, doesn't require high-end PC's to play the game - Sound/Music - Very Interesting Turn-Based Strategy, feels like a combo between chess and a RTS - Nice little touches into detail on the maps - Great aspect on history. The Bad - Things can get a bit confusing late in the game when empires are large. - Has a RPG feel to it, instead of need more xp to the next level its need more turns to the next level. I might try playing the multiplayer next week.

Civilization IV Impression

Yes, this game has been out since 2005, but for me its new. In fact, I just first picked up the game today. Civilization IV has been quite fun to play for the most part. This game feels simple, but complex at the same time. I've only spent a few hours playing this game so I still have a lot of ground to cover. For the most part though what I have seen from this game has been good. The strongest aspect of the game has been the sound, specifically the music. I expect to spend some of my weekend playing this game.

XBOX 360 Elite

This just in! Microsoft has revealed the new XBOX 360 Elite. The new system will feature a 120 gb hard drive, HDMI port and cable, and a new black with chrome trim look. Me, personally, I think this is great news. Because if I were to go out and buy a X360 the Premium would be the best deal because its just dumb to buy the core and the 20gb hard drive for the same price when you can get more stuff. In time after the release of the X360 Elite I think one of two senerios will happen. 1. The price of the Core and Premium will drop some. or 2. The price of the 20gb hard drive will decrease. Of the two I think the second will be the one most likely to happen. As I have previously stated, I only care about getting the basic stuff. I don't need the HD wires or the ethernet cable to use XBOX Live (after all, its full of spoiled 13 year olds.) So for me I think if the price drops for the 20gb hard drive decreases my best deal would be to get the Core and the 20gb hard drive.


We are approaching that time of year again for us Americans to pay our yearly tuition to the government. Like my fellow Americans I don't like paying taxes, if I had the option I wouldn't pay them. I have a very moronic thing that I do, because of that it makes me be a bad American, and that is I don't procrastinate until the last day to mail off my taxes. Most people know that the due date is typically April 15th. Thankfully, this year it just happens to be on a Sunday thus allowing everybody to procrastinate 1 more day. I am happy to know that I got a refund this year for my federal taxes. One thing I have noticed is how easy it is to screw up and as a result of that be screwed over by the system. Probably the most likely cause of this is that all of the questions are too wordy and could make somebody put down the wrong answer. For example if they wanted to know if you quit your job the previous year and found another job they could have easily put "Did you quit your job? Yes/No Do you have a new job? Yes/No." Thats simple and direct. Instead they could have something along like this "Have you previously discontinued working with your current or former employer? Yes/No Are you currently working with a new employer?" Yes/No. Too many extra words are added in, they make it be more complex than it really has to be. How can they expect people to get those questions right when the average American has to spend 20 minutes trying to figure out what their favorite doughnut is?

Console Wars: Battle for a X360

Right now, in terms of console gaming, I am at a dead end. A few months back I decided to wait until 2007 started to get me a XBOX360. Then the first roadblock came along, I lost my job. Just a week into January I hit a detour, I was accepted into Central Michigan University. I decided it was neccessary to save money where I can because eventually I will have to move from California to Michigan and moving is expensive. While that was some of the best news I have herd, I willingly decided that buying a new console was not the best idea. That $400-500 would better serve me for gas and other expenses. Just 2 weeks after that I came across a hole in the road, car trouble. A week of hell went by and so did $1500. While all of this was happening the XBOX was being withdrawn from the console market. During November both the PS3 and Nintendo Wii were released, marking the end of the XBOX, PS2, Gamecube era. As did my XBOX. The last title, and really the only last game I wanted to get, for my XBOX was MK: Armageddon. After playing that for a month I was done with the game and the console. Since I have not yet get a 360 I have had no reason to put the XBOX in the closet. Since the beginning of December, my XBOX has done nothing more than collect dust. With no reason to play my XBOX, and I'm unwillingly unable to get a 360 I'm "stuck" in this very long transition from XBOX to X360. When's the right time to get the new console, I'm looking at no earlier than August.