@SDSkarface It's how they deal with not having crossfire/sli... Poor bastards... If only we could get them over to the darkside.... It's GORGEOUS over here :-).
@nate1222 Are you stoned? Crysis' game play is more impressive than its gfx! Crysis 1 and 2 are the benchmarks for fps on the pc! That game, specifically the first one, is nearly perfect (if your computer can play it on ultra :-)). But regardless, gfx are important, besides controllers and cpu they're the only things that really change between consoles...
I don't get why these cards cost so much... I have dual ATI 5770's and they're still killing crysis 2 and bf3 on the highest settings... I think two of those you can get for like $300 dollars now. Just don't like how expensive a single gfx card is.
I'll never preorder again, not after the Duke Nukem Forever debacle... I held onto that for years. Then, so disappointed in the lack ass kicking and bubblegum chewing :-\.
Damn straight gamers like sameness. When you charge 60 effing dollars a games you can't really take a risk. Same reason piracy is popular. Think about it, whenever you hear people complaining about their games being pirated, it is the smaller, unique games: spore, batman, witcher 2, etc... Because they are not the "same games" like multiple iterations of halo or assassins creed. The prices go down and people will stop gravitating towards sameness because they can afford it.
What me and my friends call the "Madden tackle" bothers the ba jesus outta me. When someone is running foward and your behind them and you dive and land on their feet only to have game drag the tackler up the ball-carrier's back for a tackle around the shoulders. It turns a shoe-string tackle into one around the shoulders. GAY Its just bad animations that should be fixed easily. But hasn't been fixed since i started playing madden in 04.
natethegreat235's comments