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awww so cute!

I saw the cutest movie the other day!! It was called little manhattan. it was about this little 10 year old who falls in love!!! It was so cute!!! Here are some pics:

these are the two lovebirds

those are the two kids who fall in love (or at least the boy does). The boy's name is Gabe in the movie and awwww he's so cute (i mean like baby cute like he's not hot or anything) and the girl's name is Rosemary. She's very pretty i think.


This was them on their first date. They got ice cream and Gabe took her on a tour of Central Park.


Gabe had this scooter that he would always use, and he took her for a ride on it on the bike path. that's a long bike path, but he said 'but with her riding with me, i didn't feel any pain'


okay and this is the last picture but not least, this is from the scene when Rosemary invites Gabe to this dinner thing, and right after this THEY KISS!! **** I'm telling you this is the cutest movie ever. u have to see it!!!


Hi everyone, i'm back!!! And i'm feeling MUCH better!!! yay!!! i'm so happy. sorry i haven't been on lately but i've been so busy because i have my finals next week so i've been studying. Anyway. I'm so happy to be back!!! :)

they found out

okay hi everyone. the doctors figured out that i have something called whopping cough or something like that and if its really bad you can DIE from it. But dont' worry guys, since i got the vaccine when i was little, its not that bad its only 'mild'. its actually so mild that they're letting me back home (still taking medicine, but oh well) tommorow!!!!! Yay!!!! Well, i'm very happy. how about you?


Hi again everyone. Well, my dad drove me to my mom's house last night. this morning i woke up at 3:30 from a coughing fit and i was throwing up because of it and my mom woke up and she told me i needed to go to the hospital cause all this gunk and throwup was coming up from the coughing. so we went to the hospital and i'm currently typing this from the slow computer there.

    lets get on with this--i'm tired and i'm not feeling good and i have to get back to my room because i they're doing this x-ray thingy but its not called an x-ray i forget what it is on my LUNGS. so they're going to look at my lungs! How cool is that? They're not sure what i have yet, but i'm really sick.

    just please don't worry about me. i'm fine. and you can send me pms and stuff about it but know to be patient cause theres only one computer here and the doctors have to take care of me before i can use it. thanks. once they tell me what i have, i promise i'll tell you guys. ilysm.



omg i am still sick and think i'm getting sicker

Hi everyone, its me Lola. Well, apparently my dad has Netflix cause i got the mail for him 2day and it was there. The movies he got were:

Saw 1


alright well then i knew that my dad knows that i love horror movies. Let me give you my reviews on these movies. 

Saw 1-- omfg. why in the world did i watch this movie? This was by far THE scariest movie i have EVER seen. well, as you might know, i don't mind scary movies with suspense, i only mind the blood. Well, this movie was not for me. arms got cut off, legs got cut off, you name the body part, it got cut off. and it was GRAPHIC. see there's this dude named jigsaw and baisically what he does for a living is torture people with these living puzzles where they have to figure out a mystery thats like real while trying not to be killed. i'm telling you, i could NOT sleep at ALL last night because i was scared i would wake up tied to a pipe or something. But i guess for all you people who don't care about bloodshed, this movie is for you.

Psycho-- wow. okay i admit it, i've never seen this movie (shame on me), but i am glad i finally did. this is one of the best scary movies i have ever seen. there's like, a few parts with blood but not THAT horribly much, and you don't care because the plot is so amazing. Oh, and the twists! this movie isn't predictible at all! anyway, you just have to see this movie. i'm not saying anything else, just see it.

anyway, after watching those, i threw up because i was coughing too hard. i have to go take some more medicine now. bye. 

stillllllll sickkkkkk

hi. i'm still sick. I woke up this morning at 5 because i was having a coughing fit. But i have rehersal for the show i'm in today, and i don't know if i can go, but the thing is that i have the lead part. so i sort of have to go to be responsible cause im the lead, but i'm really sick. I don't know what to do. :cry:

more updates later


99 things you (probably) didn't know about me

1. Name: Lauren

2. Nicknames: Lola

3. Birthday: December 21

4. Place of Birth: New York

5. Zodiac Sign: really, i have no idea :( sorry guys i don't follow horoscopes

6. Male or female: Female

7. Year: you mean what year it is now or what my birthday year is? 2007 and my b-day is 1993

8. School: lets skip this one for now

9. Occupation: 13 year old girl?

10. Residence: dads house: a huge house (not a mansion but compared to my mom's appartment it is huge!) somewhere in the middle of nowhere in upstate new york.Mom's house: normal sized apartment in NYC.

11. MSN Screen Name: sorry, i don't have one...

___Your Appearence___

12. Hair Color: dark brown but it doesn't even look close to black

13. Hair Length: down till about my shoulders more or less

14. Eye color: hazel

15. Weight: 86 lbs.

16. Height: 5'4

17. Braces? not yet but my teeth are huge like nat's and i have an overbite like him too, so i'm definately going to get them REALLY soon.

18. Glasses? yes but most of the time i wear contacts :P

19. Piercings: just the ears

20. Tattoos: Nope.

 21. Righty or Lefty: Righty

___Your First___

 22. First best friends: i met nat when i was about 2 1/2 and my parents say we were like amazingly good friends from the start, but i don't know wether to believe it or not cause thats very young..... i don't even know if i had feelings back then! although i guess we got along because we're very good friends now.

23. First Award: when i was like 6 i went to jamaca and there was a fashion/singing/dancing show and i won and i got all these award medals and stuff. i have pictures, and for the fashion thing i wore this cute pink ruffled bathing suit, this yellow polkadotted dress with a yellow sun hat, and a bright blue skirt with a white blouse. For the singing thing, i sang i love you from barney (we have videos of it, i'm so cute!) and for the dancing thing i danced to the hokey pokey. How cute???

24. First Sport You Joined: soccer but i wasn't very good and my friends and i would just chill and hang out in the middle of the court and talk the whole time, not doing anything. I still get bored by soccer and i'm still not very good :oops:

25. First pet: a dog named chloe but she got run over a car after 3 months 

26. First Real Vacation: jamaca???

27. First Concert: it was a dance recital when i was like 8

 28. First Love: kindergarten i had a crush on this guy named luke he's still very cute but he's got a girlfriend :roll:


 29. Movie: okay well i have a huge list but among them are the grudge, the ring, school of rock, and well baisically i love movies with adam sandler or jack black, and i also love horror movies.

30. TV program: naked brothers band, american idol, grey's anatomy, and tons more.

31. Color:bright blue.

32. Rapper: i don't listen to rap

33. Band: the beatles (omg okay there's a story behind this. Nat is obsessed with the beatles, so whenever i'd come over he'd make me listen to them over and over and over. At the begining i hated it, i thought, its too old! But then when i got older i thought, wow, these guys are actually really good. so now i listen to it on my own and me and nat have arguments all the time about it like which band member was the best and stuff)

34. Songs: i really don't know i think i might have too many to list...

35. Friends: well i'm the type of person who has a few close friends. probably around 10? but i love everyone. So in a way, everyone is my friend, because its not like i'm mean to anyone or anything.

36. Sweet: okay omg i'm obsessed with hershey's chocolate bars.

37. Sport to Play:basketball

38. Restaurants:there's this very good american resturaunt a few blocks away they have THE BEST HAMBURGERS EVER!

39. Brand: i don't really wear a specific brand.

40. Shop: okay well there's this little dollar store a few blocks away and NO ONE ever goes there, but over the summer when i was like 10 i was bored because my parents FORGOT TO SEND ME TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP THAT SUMMER (sorry it still annoys me) and i'd go there every day and the guy is very old and he doesn't have any friends so i made friends with him. its a good store cause i get all the stuff since i'm the only one who goes there, and its all only for a dollar or less!

41. School Subject:english

42. Animal: um....i'm not sure. i love all animals.

43. Books: i love mystery books and i'm a huge agatha christie fan.

44. Magazine: okay i'm obsessed with People magazine. i just could read it for hours and i wouldn't get bored.

45. Shoes: uggs!!!!!


46. Feeling: sick (because i am)

47. Wearing: my pajama pants that say "kiss me i'm irish" all over them, even though i'm not even the slightest bit irish, and a shirt that i got at this basketball game but its too big to wear in public so i wear it as a pj top.

48. Have a crush? no wayy. i'm single and i'm happy :)

49. Eating: nothing.

50. Drinking: nothing.

51. Typing: 99 things you (probably) didn't know about me

52. Online: yeah on aim but none of my friends are on.

53. Listening To: the stupid sound that my dad's old computer makes.

54. Thinking About:what i'm thinking

55. Wanting:my cat to come back from running away.

56. Watching: tv. project runway is on. i've never seen it before today, but i actually like it quite a lot.

57. Smelling: nothing, my nose is too blocked up from being sick.

___Your Future___

58. Want Kids? yeah

59. Want to be married? yeah.

60. Careers in Mind: i want to be a playwriter. You know, the people who write scripts for movies?

61. Where do you want to live: NYC.

62. Car: a hybrid. Unless people don't help to change the world, i might not even get to live till i get a car. SAVE THE WORLD FROM GLOBAL WARMING!!!

___Which is better With the oppisite Sex___

63. Hair color: brown. for some reason, every blonde that i met is so full of themself. And black....i don't really like black hair. but dark brown is okay.

64. Hair length: long but not too long that its like a pony tail. maybe at most down to just above his shoulders, but thats AT MOST.

65. Eye color: whatever. just not something crazy like red or somehting.

66. Measurments: taller than me. but they could be the same height too, just not that much shorter.

67. Cute or Sexy: both:P

68. Lips or Eyes: eyes!!!!! duh....

69. Hugs or Kisses: hugs!!!!

70. Short or Tall: tall.

71. Easy going or serious: easy going

72. Romantic or Spontaneous: both:P

73. Fatty or Skinny: inbetween. not to fat yet not to skinny

74. Sensitive or Loud: sensitive.

75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship.

76. Sweet or Caring: both:P

77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: hesitant one

___Have you ever___

78. Kissed a Stranger: Nope

79. Had Alcohol: No, i don't drink

80. Smoked: No, fyi: i don't want to die!

81. Ran Away From Home: No....

82. Broken a bone: yep.

83. Got an X-ray:yeah.

84. Went out with someone: yeah last year. but they were a jerk.

85. Broken Someone's Heart: yeah but they were a jerk (see above question) so they deserved it.

86. Broke Up With Someone: yeah (see above 2 things)

87. Cried When Someone Died: Yes

88. Cried At School: no

___Do you believe in___

89. God: Yes

90. Miracles: Yes

91. Love At First sight: yeah.

92. Ghosts: no

93. Aliens: no

94. Soul Mates: yeah

95. Heaven: Yes

96. Hell: Yes

97.Angels: Yes

98. Kissing on The First Date: not for right now, but when i get older maybe a kiss on the cheek.

99. Horoscopes: no



yay! i finished it. just 1 more thing to say: my fever has gone up to 103.8... now i'm sad AND i'm sick!



bad news

Okay I have very bad news. Are you ready for it?


My dad's cat just ran away a few minutes ago. I went outside to get my dad's mail (which i shouldn't have been doing anyway, because i'm still sick) and somehow he got outside and now i can't find him. My dad is going to kill me.....i don't know what to do. He's coming home in a few hours, and he's always in a bad mood, and sometimes he could be really mean. I'm very upset because i loved the cat too. His name was Pokey. I guess i should be happy though because my dad lives in a country-like area, so its not like he got loose in the city where there are millions of cars zooming by. Oh well, hopefully he'll come back. :'(





over 20 friends

Horray, i just realized that i have the 'over 20 friends' thing. Thank you so much, everyone!!! You rock and i love you all so much!! Lets party!!!


i am still sick...

Hello everyone. I hate to say it, but i'm still sick. I have a fever and i'm coughing a lot. I will probably be better soon, though. Thats why i've been online at odd times. I'm going to the doctor today, so i hope i'll find out exactely what is wrong with me. I've been looking on youtube for cool videos and i just want you guys to see this video, because it really touched me, and I thought i should pass it on. Its the video of Carrie Underwood's I'll Stand by You, from American Idol gives back. I know a lot of you have seen it, but i definately appreciated it more the second time i watched it.

 And also, there is this amazing 11 year old who sings this song, i'll give you a link to that too.

Okay. Have a wonderful day.



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