Selling experience gives an extremely unfair advantage to those with more disposable income. Im fine with weapon skins, but anything that alters gameplay or player progression and balance shouldnt be allowed. You are basically paying to be better than others, rather than actually being better. Hope this doenst catch on...........but it probably will :|
I think you guys and gals need to take a step back and look at yourselves in the mirror. Do you really want the world to know that you are associated with this kind of language? As a Navy counselor, i deal with this on a daily basis, and you cant even imagine the affect it has on a person, online or not. So how about we grow up a bit, and stop to think of how you would feel if someone bullied and berated you. I pray for all of you, and hope that this message resonates.
Authentic DOES NOT equal realism McShea. What the guy is saying is the METHODS, STORYLINE, and MANNERISMS of the game is AUTHENTIC, NOT realistic. Ive been in the US Military for 10yrs now. The way the characters act/interact with each other IS authentic. The WAY the game takes you through missions is authentic. But, the TYPE of game they are making isnt a simulator, its a GAME. Its a game with authentic source material, as opposed to CoD which is developed like a Michael Bay movie.
They were going for an authentic experience, NOT a realistic experience. Operation Flashpoint isnt a fun game to everyone, and it sells like crap because of it. Its a niche game. These guys are working hard on an authentic game based on source material. But the keyword is GAME. LET IT GO MCSHEA.....
This game shows that Activision are idiots and cant judge a quality game if it slapped them in the face. Great job Square Enix for saving this and delivering it to fans. :)
navyguy21's comments