@cainetao11 @fyrecide Am guilty of this.. i bought a ps3 halfway 2013 (very late adopter) to play the last of us / beyond two souls... the library has now grown to about 20% of my total owned games. (and i own a lot of games) (mostly for the x360)
And today... i bought it again. 0 regrets, though i agree it's a bit mad.
@pnova Not completely true, i own both systems, currently have several titles for the xbox one. Only exclusive / semi exclusives however being forza 5 and titanfall.
We've got the master chief collection incoming within the next few months. Plenty of stuff underway.
Though in your defense... i do spend more time on the ps4 than on the xbox at the moment. I mean second son didn't bl0w me away but it was entertaining. (yes gs sensors the word bl*w) (and i got a nice beanie in the box) / the last of us well... i'm not even going to judge that game anymore. It would be like a pop critic discussing mozard...
Seriously though... some characters in this game are outside of the uncanny valley... you have to remind yourself at times that they're not human beings and thus theres no reason to be emotional about it...
But they f*cking shot her! And i was angry about it.
@pnova world would collapse if it was the other way around i mean lets be fair here we're talking an intergrated gfx chip from 2006 (256mb if i remember correctly) vs an intergrated gfx chip from 2013... (capable of using close to 8gb of memory) If it would've looked worse after 7 years of progress... that'd be a serious issue.
Nazgoroth's comments