@Dissentioncc Let me translate this for the people: RAWR RAWR RAWR!!! i disagree with someone!!! RAWR!!! my opinion is all that counts!!!!! RAWR RAWR RAWR!! FIRE HIM FOR HAVING AN OPINION DIFFERENT THAN MINE OR I'LL BURST OUT IN TEARS!!!! RAWWWWWR!
@carolino Nah. I still have about 10 games i still have to complete on the X360... some of which still in plastic foil. Which makes me feel like a terrible person.
@PosiTVEMinD355 @unreal849 On metacritic though that means it's dog vomit... to be fair. (and that's no pun related to your profile pic... please don't feel offense)
Right so i've got roughly 6 to 8 hours in this game now. (maybe a bit more i lose track easily)
Anyway minor spoiler, just entered the second area, thus i believe i'm at rougly the halfway point. And i'm bored with it... well and honestly truly bored. I look at the icons on the map thinking, why should i bother?
Nazgoroth's comments