Sheldon is the only funny element on Big Bang Theory, all the other characters are lame and cringe worthy. They only exist for Sheldon to riff on.
The I.T. Crowd is amazing and one of my favorite shows. Grahram Linehan (creator) has made some other really great shows as well, Black Books, Father Ted, and others. He is brilliant.
The first season was ok, but I cant watch this show anymore. When Jim Halpert or anyone really looks into the camera exasperated, I just want to smash their face in. And they do this so many times an episode. Its just bad.
I've played 22 hours so far, and my character is lvl 20 Nord - Specced in One Hand, Block, Heavy Armor, Restoration. Working up Blacksmithing and Alchemy as secondary priority for now.
Just got the decapitation perk in one hand, so badass. Got the Ebony Sword (Superior.) It just rips compared to my Steel Sword (Fine.)
Having a really good time in this game. It makes me happy.
You may find this of interest, copied from The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Wiki page:
Enemy Leveling System
Many criticized Oblivion's system of leveling enemies, as many hours were spent fighting enemies that were just too strong to take on, and only grew stronger as you leveled up. In Skyrim, this is replaced with a system that is similar to the one in Fallout 3. The level of enemies is determined both by location and level. There will be places with foes you just aren't strong enough to beat at level 1. Upon entering a dungeon in Skyrim the players level will be saved/locked into position. In other words the enemies will be similiar to the level the player is when he/she first enters the dungeon. In the event of entering the dungeon later the player should find, (assuming the player has leveled up since their last visit to it) that they can more efficiently rid of the foes within the dungeon. This is due in part by the fact that the foes remained the level that the player was when he/she first entered the dungeon. Obviously there will be some location where enemies will be stronger and some where they will be easier, especially places that the main quest go through.
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