Path of Exile is a good game because it's free, however I've just finished my play through normal and I can confidently say that, like others, I found the game world flat, boring, and lifeless. Diablo 3 combat system may be dumbed down, but Path of Exiles world is dull, none of the characters i found remotely interesting, I skipped almost every dialogue sequence, and those that i forced myself to sit through proved a waste of time. I'm sorry but most people will burn out on this game before level 50 in my opinion. (I got to 40)
I don't see how "Half-implemented player-versus-player features" is the ONLY negative thing you can find to put in this review. How bout boring linear quests (literally every act is basically "kill these rare monsters") Good game, but it's not the amazing Gem that everyone is making it out to be and will be forgotten shortly after diablo 3's expansion and deactivation of the AH.
ndarker's comments