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Modern Warfare 2 Completed!

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Platinum Trophy Trophies: 51/51

I have finally completed the final requirement for the game, the spec ops misson. At first, getting back to the game after some heavy fighting and RPG games, I tend to lose focus and my aiming scatters.

There was one mission, Big Brother, where I need to have a second player to play it. Luckily I got an online friend to help. Thank you GlobalFreq, for making my dream in completing this game turning to reality.

We only had that one full session of mission to get to know each other. He was one hella good comrade to have and we managed to finish the mission in some few good tries.

After the mission with him, I continued my journey to solo the other spec ops. The one that was most difficult for me always involved in me fighting juggernauts, heavily armored, hard to kill and kept on ramming to you while firing their machine guns. I remembered the last mission on echo, where you need to fend off more than 10 jugs in the favela. With only a grenade luncher and some rpds, I need to work around the jugs by hiding beside the cars and kept attacking, while watching myself of any sudden attack on the rear or side. Funnily enuf, if you position yourself right near the burned / destroyed car, the jugs could not attack you, and if you fire the grenade while hiding, the jugs would just stay there and do nothing. It did take me tries as when the number of jugs gotten below 5, they tend to divide and conquer, attacking me from different angles.

Another hard one is the snatch and grab mission where you need to battle shadow company and few jugs. The shadow company soldiers really have good aims and know when to hide. They would fire at me until I almost bleed to death and when I try to retaliate using the sniper, they would hide away and scramble position by communicating among them. After getting to the last part/area of the mission, I found a spot where I can hide inside a broken airplane. Its just a cramped small space, enuf for one person to crawl inside. While inside this, I managed to kill some few shadow company and a few jugs as well. Which greatly enhanced my chance of winning instead of fighting them head to head. But, being down their feet, crawling like some kind of insect while the go about to find an angle to shoot you is terrorizing.

Battling jugs on the oil refinery in echo is also a good memory for me. I learned that the sniper weapon barret .cal is an excellent choice in holding them back. But one need to shoot above the chest area. In the mission, I set up some mines to help me along the way.

All in all, I had a great time with this game and am really looking forward to Modern Warfare 3. I proved to myself that if I tried hard enuf to achieve something, I would get it someday and triumphant along with new skills i developed along the way. I would definitely remember what a friend of mine did to me, leaving me alone to fight the spec ops alone, ut its thanks to him that I found some good new friends to play online with and mastered some key FPS skills that would help me in my journey of gaming. Next on my list should be Final Fantasy XIII.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Completed! Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Platinum Trophy Trophies: 48/48

After 2 years, I have finally managed to master Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Looking back, the reason I didn't manage to complete this game was the lack of skill in fps /action game. I stop playing the game after I have completed the main part of the story, to my surprise, in order to Plat this game, I needed to beat it in Hard and Crushing mode. Back then I was new to PS3 and felt like being bullied by the A.I, I have decided to quit the game. After I completed Bayonetta and BattleFantasia earlier this year, the games that raises my awareness, agility and cunningness handling the Dual Shock 3, I was thirsty for more action. And looking at the shelf, I saw Uncharted: Drake's Fortune seemingly challenging me, tempting me to finish it. I did, and this 2 years have proved to level up my gaming abilities where the A.I in the game was just another bad guy.

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2Platinum Trophy Trophies: 47/51

This FPS tends to get more and more exciting for me this year than it ever did last year. This is due to the fact that I love FPS now more than ever after finishing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (although UC: DF is actually a third person action game Smile ) I am now trying to finish the Spec Ops mode of the game. It is fun going at it alone, but some of the mission requires 2 players. I remembered back when I first bought this game, I bought two units instead of one. Bought it for a friend. Hoped that we could play this game together, even bought a bluetooth headset along, but to my surprise, he completed the spec ops mission with another friend and I was left to battle the spec ops alone. Well, no harms done, it did develop my fps skills even more and I can now settle most of the mission alone, by learning some tips from youtube videos. But having a company is not bad at all. I might finish the spec ops along with a new friend I made from a forum. The problem is to find the suitable time to play it.

BattleFantasia Completed!

Battle Fantasia Platinum Trophy Trophies: 62/62

After all the hard work I put into this game, I can finally say that I have completed / mastered it. The few final parts of mastering it for me was completing the story 100% with every characters, getting End Of Deathbringer and Gatchi / Parrying his Apocalypse Flame and defeating him with 100% life.

After getting the End Of Deathbringer as a playable character, I started to train with him to gatchi his apocalypse flame which lands 22 hit. After some training, I managed to beat his apocalypse flame in training mode, but when it comes to the real deal, fighting him in the arcade mode is a whole different ball game.

In Arcade mode, and at the highest level of difficulty (very hard), Deathbringer would execute his normal routine, that is, when you are far away from him, he would either joust which connects 8 - 10 hits depending on the character you are using. Or he would power up his apocalypse flame 1 time. The third time he power up, he would execute the move.

Playing as Urs, I once managed to parry his 22 AF hits, but then playing the chicken game, running away from him and waiting to parry his joust (to recover heat) he would then perform the AF again!. For the first AF it is pure luck that I managed to parry it all, but for the second, I ate it at first hit to all the 22 hits...

I took sometime off, and play other games to loosen up the tension felt. Played some Castle Crashers with my daughter, and some Final Fantasy XIII just to take my mind of Battle Fantasia.

Once I came back, I played around with Urs and Ashley. To my surprise, these two characters has different gatchi timings. For Urs, the timing is strict, you cannot just pound the gathci button hoping it would work, you need to hear the sound of the parry. But for Ashley, you can tap the button in a melodious manner, if you are a musician, or have some musical timing skill you would notice that the tap required has a unique timing and if you attune yourself to it, you would gatchi the attack with breeze.

Nonetheless, I still have the problem of EoDB performing the AF more than once. What I would do to overcome this is... I denied EoDB's chance to perform AF during the first 10 - 20 seconds of the fight. If I see him charging the AF up, I would go and perform a throw, if the throw is successful, it would reset his current charge, example if he charged at 1 and you perform a throw, the next charge would also be 1. Whenever he perform his joust I would gatchi all the 5 - 9 hits which would recharge my heat to level 3, then I would punish him by heating up, performing super special, and repeat the step while at the same time resetting his AF charge. After I got his health to a critical minimum (one you could finish with 1 heated super special) I would let him charge his AF to level 3 and try to parry it once he performed it. I know it sounds easier said than done, but I did tried and tried again, without giving up, I knew that I would eventually be able to get the "you want me to what!?" trophy.

Parrying the AF 22 hit and finishing EoDB, the top right off the screen pops up the first gold trophy, and then shortly after, the second trophy which is the platinum. It was an emotional experience to obtain that Platinum trophy and I am glad to be one of the few person in this world to obtain it. Once PSN is up, I will know whether I am the first to get it on Gamespot. And I don't know of any other achivement (home t shirt, or other) that comes with it.

And with this I conclude my journey with this game. Time to finish all the other games in my backlog. Maybe I'll start with Final Fantasy XIII

Battle Fantasia: Story Mode 100% and EoDB

Battle Fantasia Platinum Trophy Trophies: 60/62

Finally, I managed to obtain 100% story completion for every character in story mode. Although not that hard, its very time consuming. There are 2 path for every character and to unlock it there are certain requirements to be met. Like for example urs, he needs to win the match againts olivia by time out. And did I tell you that you need to win and lose every battle in Path01 or Path02? I always fell asleep when I had to do this time consuming task, waiting for the computer to beat me. But the stroryline is interesting though, there are some characters which dwelve into storyline completely different from the original story. Like Deathbringer's for example, the storyline changed to Battle Sentai Fantasia where all the character that he would fight seems to use gimicks from popular Sentai (Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, etc) and there are storyline that tells the true story of the game, like for example the real reason for Deathbringer's current state and who is Dokurod, and characters relationship with one another... man, this truly feels like an RPG game rather than a Fighting game as the storyline (Path 01 usually) gives more depth to the character's background story and sucks you into their adventure.

Anyway, all that has passed now, the requirements has been met, and I was happy to unlock alternate costumes for all the characters as some alternate even changed the whole appearance of the character giving it a fresh new look. Of all the unlockables I get from the story mode, the best is The End of Deathbringer, which is the final boss of the game. Its like Deathbringer, but with a completely new powerful moveset with the most powerful final attack in the game, the Apocalypse Flame. The move which I need to learn to gatchi in order to prepare me for the final battle against him in the Arcade match.

In practice mode, you can record a move for the cpu to do and when you play it back, it will repeat the same move all over again. I entered the button combination for the apocalypse flame which is Down Back B / D, and do it 3 times. The third time, EoDB will perform his apocalypse flame. Training with him I've managed to gatchi all 22 hits of the AF about 70% of the time. However when I fight him in arcade, I never manage to perfect the gatchi... stage fright perhaps? Anyway, this is the lask task I need to do to complete this game.

While finishing the end task for Battle Fantasia, I am also casually (read: devoted) playing the new Mortal Kombat. As PSN is still down as of today 26-April-2011, I think I will set the Battle Fantasia's task the first priority before I delve into MK online mode which will definitely take away 90% of my gaming time.

And, I really need to update my Backloggery

Battle Fantasia: All Story Completed!

Battle Fantasia Platinum Trophy Trophies: 55/62

I have managed to complete the storyline for all the characters, and I can say that some of the characters have a very interesting storyline. Anyway, looking back at the character select screen in story mode, I saw that the completion for a character's story that I've done is only at 30% at most 50%.

It seems like in order to complete a character's storyline at 100%, you would need to loose every fight and continue, then you must choose a different path in the storyline by performing a move / taunt during "Gachi Battle". This is the battle that would change the path of the character's storyline. Like for example when using Ashley, in a fight with Coyori, successfully perform a taunt, and this will change the outcome of the battle (should you win). After getting to 50%, you would get an alternate costume for the character. And at 90%, you would get another alternate costume for that character.

Completing the story mode for all character at 100% is benificial to me as I want to unlock the character The End Of Deathbringer. And I want to practice parrying / gatchi his attacks in practice mode so that it would be easier for me to do the almost imposible task to complete this game. That is, ehem "In single player arcade mode, on a difficulty higher than NORMAL, survive Deathbringer's Apocalypse Flame attack and win the round with full health." Firstly, the move is like 20+ hit, and Deathbringer (The End) is the final boss of the game and you are expected to parry (not block, coz it will chip of your health) every move he got including the Apocalypse Flame and win the round with full health.

I know its not impossible, but for now, I think I would unlock Deathbringer (The End) and spar with him in practice mode until I understand all of his move set and how to defeat him flawlessly.

Battle Fantasia: Japan, this one is for you!

Battle Fantasia Platinum Trophy Trophies: 46/62

After some gaming time hiatus (actually, I got bored and don't know what to play) I've decided to continue my endless backloggery of unfinished game. I chose to play Battle Fantasia and complete this game.

As we all know, Japan, the country where chrono cross, final fantasy, metal gear solid, kingdom hearts and many other great games hail from, have been hit by an earthquake of 8.9 magnitude leading to several aftershocks afterwards which latest is the 27th Of March's (as of this writing and to my knowledge).

Many people from around the world rallied together to provide a helping hand to japan. The Gaming industry had also take part in this mission of kindness, namely some of the game composers have proposed to develop an Album in which the profit gained from selling this album would go to the AID Japan fund. A Theme for the PS3 have also been developed and which you can buy at $2, $5, $10, $25 and $50 from your wallet at playstation store. I have yet to buy this theme.

Alas, for me as a gamer, seeing how the industry is taking part in this noble endeavor, I have decided to dedicate one of the hardest (if not, impossible) Platinum trophy of all time to Japan. I will platinum Battle Fantasia and at the same time pray that all is well in Japan and that they can muster the strength and willpower to get back on their feet and their industry mainly the gaming industry would continue to provide us with excellent titles that they had always been.

Before tears start flowing in my eyes, I leave this post with something to ponder.

I cried when god gave me rain in such a bright day, But I smiled later knowing that god was actually showing me a rainbow.

The Gamespot Incorrect Achievement and Trophy Bug

Its baack.. Well actually I've started having this problem in January 2011. But then by Feb, the problem seems to vanish and the correct trophy started showing. However this past few days, the problem started to resurface. But with a little catch, below your status in your profile page, the trophies shown are correct. As you can see below.


It is when you click on the "My Achievements" page that the icons started to jumble up. It does not seem to effect my Street Fighter IV trophies however.


I know the Gamespot's crew are trying their best to solve this problem and I hope that they will manage to end this returning bug once and for all.

Gamespot Plus: Registration

Rank: Plus Subscriber

Today marks the day that I opted to register as a Gamespot Plus member. Throughout the years I have been a registered user at Gamespot albeit not an active one. This all changed when I bought my PS3. I had been going through Gamespot, all and about looking for informations, updates and videos of my games. I have also participated in forums to obtain and share knowledge with fellow gamers and in the process made some new friends as well.

After all that I get from gamespot, I felt obliged to actually register myself as a Gamespot plus member today. I hope this endeavor would prove fulfilling to my cause to be a gamer with a good gamers code and in making video games a tool to unify all the people in the world regardless of race, culture and religion. And also, Carving My Own Legacy in this big blue planet we call Home.


Battle Fantasia: Completing the story mode

Battle Fantasia Trophies: 41/62

Battle Fantasia, originally released for XBOX on April 26, 2007 and is available for PSN on December 22, 2009. The released price was USD 49.99. At first I downloaded the Demo and then after seeing the beautiful graphics and good fighting mechanics, I decided to buy the game. I bought it at USD 19.99 . Man, what a bargain eh?

I wondered why the heck this game didn't get the kind of attention it truly deserved.. maybe the fighting and the graphic or the storyline does not entice people much. But to me, the game truly have an RPG like storyline, a deep combat system and contains some (if not all) of the most beautiful graphics for a fighting game. ever. its like fighting in an immense battle, artistically

Now for my gaming log, I want to complete this game as I've been neglecting it for so long due to completing MK vs DC . Now that I have all of my gaming session time (not that I have much) to work on Battle Fantasia.

I have recently completed the online trophy for the game. This is one of the hard to earn trophy. Not that the game is hard to learn, its because no one, and I do mean NO ONE is playing this game online anymore. Now I'm trying to complete each characters story mode and even unlock their alternate story / alternate path to complete each character at 100% completion.

Bayonetta Completed!

Bayonetta Platinum Trophy Trophies: 51/51

Well actually, I have completed this game a while back. 6 months ago to be precise. Its just a challenge I put myself into. To fight the final most powerful boss that this game has to offer.

************** From Here On, Its Spoilers ****************

I have come to notice an item that can be bought in "The Gates Of Hell", one of Rodin's Treasure, the "Platinum Ticket". The item is priced at 999999. Quite costly, although now I have the knowledge and skills that is required to farm for that amount of halos. All I did was, equipped Bayonetta with the durga (lightning) on her hands and durga (fire) on her legs for set A. And for set B, I equipped her with Shuraba on her hand and Lt. Col. Kilgore on her legs.

Then I pick chapter 2 and after the fight where the train wreck, I activated the Alfheim portal. This is the portal where you can Farm for Gil. Just make sure you don't kill all the angels here otherwise you won't be able to go back. Using the combo PPPPK (Switch to set B) and KKKK, at the time you press kick on the durga (set A) and change it to set B (Kilgore) you would notice that there will be a barrage of rockets coming out from Bayonetta's feet. This move would kill some enemies almost instantly, but what we should do in this Alfheim portal is, activate witch time by dodging some of the Angels attack which is predictable. Unleash the combo, continue by firing the gun (square) and never let the combo window dies, keep juggling the combo until you (with luck) reached 9999 and after that, it would leave you at around 1 million halos, if I'm not mistaken, anyway close to that amount and just a battle that only take 15 minutes or so to complete, you would definitely be able to buy that Platinum Ticket in The Gates Of Hell in no time.

Rodin The Infinite One

To defeat him, I just use Pillow Talk, with Lt. Col. Kilgore for the legs. With accessory Climax Bracelet and Rosary beads.I tried to get as far away from him as possible and kicked like hell, that would trigger the missile weave attack that does quite some damage to him. Whenever he comes close, I would just dodge his attack sand the beads would explode and damage him. There was one time however, he caught me and use his ultimate attack (like shun goku satsu from Street Fighter's Akuma) and drain up all my lifebar. Luckily for me I managed to get up after the attack and started running around like crazy and finally managed to defeat him using the Beads and Missile techniques earlier.

So, ends my journey in Bayonetta, now to return this game to its owner and continue to play other games in my collection.

I will be using this new default template for my gaming log.

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