@lorddaggeroff: I had like 4 different interfaces last year. One always better than the next but the first day was always weird.lol I like the current ui but miss the snap option. :(
It was one of the best options for xbox. Now I can't play games online with friends while watching football on the same TV and headset.
@Pedro: I thought the same thing then I finished the article and saw the update list at the bottom. I was thinking that this was straight up click bait.
I want to know when the next episode will be available for batman
@Xristophoros: Microsoft has no plans on getting out of the console business they invest the most money on their future in the gaming industry than anyone else. Project Scorpio wouldn't exist if they were planning on getting out. Scorpio wasn't meant to turn the tides when it came to sales. It was made for the gamer. It was made so that the gamers knew that they are committed to the industry. So far they have been doing good for the last 3 years.
If you're saying that 30 million consoles were recalled then they should be at 110million. Who ever said that npd counted repaired or replaced consoles?
The reason the 360 did well is because the it totally crushed the ps3 in the United states. It's still 20million consoles ahead of the ps3 in the us.
As long as the United States, technology, and pcs are a thing Microsoft isn't going anywhere.
They are nowhere near the state Sony was in back in 2012. Look at Sony now. They are getting close to being back on their feet. Sonys stock is back up to the ps1 levels. Not close to the ps2 Era levels at all. But that's good in 2012 sonys stock was worth at 10 dollars a share. That's what sonys stock was worth in 1986. They were ten dollars away from going out of business while Microsoft was at its highest price ever in 2012. Since then microsofts stock has changed a lot. With the xb1 launch disaster and all their stock only managed to thrive and sky rocket. Microsoft is fine. They can more than afford to take an L. They are doing the best they ever have.
@lonesamurai1: one question. Why would a casual gamer choose pc gaming if all they want to play is cod,madden, and nba.
Is it worth buying a 1000 dollar pc to just play those games at console quality that is 4 or 5 hundred bucks. On top of that they won't be able to play with their console friends which is why they bought those three games to begin with.
You make excellent points,but forget to focus on real life.
Your points are good if you're talking about a hard core gamer like yourself and I. The problem is that gamers like you and I only make up a small part of the gaming community. Those cod, madden and fifa players are the majority. How can you recommend a pc to them if they only want to spend between 2 to 5 hundred dollars.
@lonesamurai1: they actually fear mobile gaming more than pc gaming. Just saying.
Sony stopped caring about pc gaming because when they tried to outperform the pc they failed miserably. Microsoft just wants their hands in pc gaming, but are focused on Xbox right now. Nintendo could care less about anyone else.
They can't compete with pc gaming but they don't have to either. There will always be a console player as long as Playstaion exist.
@lonesamurai1: last week I finally gave up on the Xbox version I got tired of the game crashes. If you play the game you'll realize that the visual difference and framerates aren't what hold this game back. It was the game crashes. Now that it's somewhat fixed the game is playable. Being able to only play using a controller makes this game much more fun and realistic.
The accuracy that kb&m brings changes the dynamic of the actual gameplay.
Plus my console friends are much more fun to play with than my pc friends. They also don't understand why I abandoned pubg on pc. I did it because I have more fun playing on consoles. Who cares if visuals are downgraded and framerates are 80fps lower on average. I'm having fun if I wasn't I'd be back on pc.
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