@oromashu: as long as the demand stays high then it'll beat it in no time.
The wii u had a strong start but then died off. I hope the switch can keep selling.
Only the hardcore Nintendo fans bought it I guess. I loved and still l9 e my wii u and switch. I don't buy them for third party games,but love that they are willing to work with Microsoft.
@dev-raid1: you mean when Sony used to keep your credit card info in PLAIN TEXT FILES. Back when psn got hacked for 10 plus years and they never knew about it.
Now that the fbi has helped them with opsec and Encryption.lol psn is a bit safer.
Back then it would've been a disaster not to mention the excessive latency on the ps3 back in the day.
Psn now is better and faster than Han before...though downloads are still the slowest in the world.
I would like for Sony to at least be open to nintendo but they might be too greedy for that.
Neoistheone's comments