@redviperofdorne: I'm not sure about the ps4 version. I have it for xb1and it's been running perfect.
If true the reason no one covers it is because most websites hire ps4 fans.
They would rather just pretend it doesn't exist than to put it on blast and trash the ps4 or sony. If Xbox had that problem the Internet would be littered with articles about it.
@joshrmeyer: they get the exclusive texture packs. That's exclusive to the x. If it wasn't it would be more like ps4 and ps4 pro. They use the same exact textures in games that the xb1 uses.lol
Scorpio files will be bigger and not just by a 100mb.lol
@Mogan: forza is light years of where it was on 360. Halo and gears mp ate the best they have ever been. Halo 5 campaign suckered balls though unless you play with 4 friends on legendary then it fun. Gears 4 was solid it's the best one yet.
I can understand that you aren't a fan but you can't seriously say they aren't good. No third person cover based shooter can touch gears last yen or any gen.
They don't need to revitalize those they just need new stuff. Those games are fine if you're a fan.
@dirthurts: consoles in the past have been small and gradually got bigger. Compare the message with the ps3 or ps4 pro.lol
But you're right with people complaining about the size and look of the oh xb1. Microsoft had to do something to change that. I didn't mind it because it stayed cool and quiet.
As long as they stay cool and quiet I'll be happy.
Neoistheone's comments