@Sam3231: yeah. Some games like fight night can only be played on older consoles. You don't have to play them but if you want to you can. I probably won't play these though.
Best to just give up on Sony giving their online gamers what they want.
Maybe if we sell our stock like last Gen until it reaches 10 dollars again.
Maybe then they will do something for their customers. They only care right when we're about to throw them in the trash. Just like every other corporation ever.
@berrlett: "Its all on that install base numbers, there are more PS4 gamers than Xbox One and Switch combined, so chances PS4 gamers have friends online to play with is higher than Xbox/Switch"
That's would be true in Europe where the ps4 is actually massively outselling the Xbox and switch.
But here in Murica the ps4 is just as much of a flop or the Xbox is just as successful as the ps4. Haven't looked at the numbers but it's still pretty close.
In the USA switch and Xbox one consoles out number the ps4.
Neoistheone's comments