@Runeweaver: they can separate the player bases and allow you to play together if you like.It would be fun to ruin a lot of ps fan bots day. Same with Xbox and nintendo.
@bdrtfm: I fukin hate music. God just turn ur mic off.lolThose are definitely kids in their teens or 20s.I don't even have my surround sound on when I play.
@t1o9n9y1: actually it's the other way around.Xblive is faster and has better players because they are generally older than psn players.
@darkelf83: yeah it runs like crap on xb1, but last I checked and played it runs better on xb1 than ps4.
@Runeweaver: that sounds awesome.It would give the ps4 players better competition if they wish. The ranking system would be vastly better across the board.
@sellingthings: dude you're missing out on games like r6 siege. That I'm is the best online fps of the generation hands all the way down.
@tenaka30: their excuse for not allowing cross play is because they want to protect their younger playerbase.Yet they allow cross play with pc.People that use tor to look at child porn us pcs.Sony isn't doing it to protect the kids.They won't allow it because every psn player would be at a disadvantage olay u by against pc, xblive, and switch players.Psn is by far the slowest gaming network. Sony doesn't want that exposed through multiplayer games.
@eliminatorpaige: you're wrong the ps3 did not outsell the xb360 until mid 2014. More than half a year after the console war was over.the Falcons could've ran the ball back after the superb owl and got a td but it wouldn't have really counted right.
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