@Sozialminister: what footage. All the footage that show different colored planes and cheap cgi?
Some of the footage on YouTube is fake.
I made cgi for animated movies back in the day and I could tell it looked off.
Some of the footage show the planes going in front and behind objects, but should've been physically impossible due to the location of the object.
It's a purposely bad cgi bro. 911 was planned over half a century ago and should've happened decades before it did. They throw that fake cgi footage in our face, we eat it, and they laugh all the way to the bank while we go to Iraq and kill innocent children and people who are just defending their land from American terrorist and invaders.
@slypher9: yeah you are most likely going to be correct. The xb1 will not catch up to within 5 million.
Building the brand back up is the only thing they can do now. They have an aggressive plan for the next 13 years.
Nothing happen to the xb1 this gen.
It more of a question to what happen or didn't happen to the Playstation this gen.
If you track sales of last gen and how the ps3 caught up you'll see that the European market began to buy the ps3 in the last few years of its life.
The Playstation is the symbol for game consoles over there, but the launch ps3 was too expensive for them. They waited until it got good games and got under 250 dollars.
Now in 2013 you could pay 250 for a ps3 or 400 for a ps4. Ps4 was the right choice and at the right price for them.
Microsoft didn't lose half of their buyers,but Sony didn't price out its largest market for over half a decade.
In the USA the 360 is still currently over 20million ahead of ps3,but ps4 is only 1 or 2 million ahead today.
It's been pretty tight this Gen in America but in Europe Xbox is getting outsold 1000 to 1.lol
@darkelf83: it's because when ps4 updates xo e out no one really knows what they do or are for.
9 out of 10 ps4 updates are just firmware security updates so that people won't hack or mod ps4 consoles.
Everytime they say it's a stability update they are lying. They are just protecting their company. Don't forget they got hacked several years back for suing the wrong guy. They had to call in the FBI because they had lost control of their servers and network. Those software guys are amateurs over there.
@R4gn4r0k: you do realize that you weren't forced to upgrade to the scorched earth dlc. And that was after they gave us a free dlc called the center. Also if you decided that the first island and the center was enough for you the scorched earth dlc will now be free to you.
For the people that actually plays ark the paid dlc was a blessing.
You see it as bad but those people play this game for thousands of hours. Ober time they'll pay more for Internet than the dlc.
I was too shocked when they said it was a paid dlc but hey the fans loved it. I make more Mona than I know so I didn't mind. It's still a great game.
@Atzenkiller: it's sold over 7 million copies and was the best selling ps4 game the month it came out. It outsold every exclusive that dropped in January and February. It's one of the better games this Gen especially on consoles.
@proxima1025: it still stutters a little bit on mine from time to time but it run great on my pc compared to my consoles, but then again my pc is worth ten times more than all my consoles.
@Sam3231: I sent Microsoft an email after last year's e3 and they gave me a free pc version. I just asked if I could get the free pc version I saw on the e3 stage.
When it comes to Microsoft, and have been an Xbox live member since day 3, it never hurts to ask.
Neoistheone's comments