@icantfindausername: why are you bragging about garbage games that no. one will buy or play?
Ps4 fan boys think that ps4 has good exclusives but the truth is that the 9 out of 10 of the most popular games on ps4 are on xb1 26 out of the top 30 are on xb1.
38 games or 380 only one or two will sell more than xb1 top exclusive. The rest will be flops just like every ps4 exclusive so far with the exception of u4. Have fun playing those crapgames.
@dgxumbreo7: there's almost no reason to game ps4 online if you have an xb1.
I used to play games on ps plus but stopped after 2 years because the servers Sony rents from yahoo or Amazon effectively double the amount of lag I get. Some games like rainbow six siege will tell you your connection to the server. My latency on ps4 was on average about a 100 to 120 sometimes higher.
On xb1 it's average is about 55 the highest I've ever noticed on xb1 was about 85. It's like that for all games online. I still pay for ps plus but I won't but another 3rd party game if I plan on playing online. What does it matter that it will run a few frames better if I'm going to be lagging twice as much.
Sony is greedy they don't care about us. If they did they would've installed an online service that is comparable to Xbox live. They are making enough money to make it better than xb live,but they aren't. They would rather get rich than get better.
@sgtsaltnpepper: not according to this article which states that the xb1 outsold the ps4 in the US for the last 6 months.
They only won November by 100k and December by about the same. Sony barely clawed it's way back up. It only took ps4 pro and vr to help it beat the xb1s and then by only 10percent more sales. The pro and slim couldn't erase enough.
@pcps4xb: exclusives done sell well with less than 5 percent of console owners onps4 buying them it almost makes them irrelevant. This Gen has been about power not games as the top sellers have been 3rd party games.
@sgtsaltnpepper: they used to say that Sony would never win an npd again after it lost for years,but things can change quickly. Next Gen might be the worst for Sony you never know. I hope they stay on top of Microsoft when it comes to sales.
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