@realguitarhero5 even that's not true. it would be called xbox 8, I think 8 stands for infinite or infinity. would include some windows 8 features as well like ie10.
why do you have a problem if it requires an always-online connection? as soon as you enter a game, it stops taking any data. also used games should be banned as they really affects the developers financially to produce better quality games. the tougher way might be the easier and the better one.
In an interview with The Verge, Newell confirmed Valve's intentions to use Linux on its own machine but that users would be freely able to install a different OS, such as Microsoft's Windows, if they wish. "We'll come out with our own and we'll sell it to consumers by ourselves. That'll be a Linux box," Newell said. "If you want to install Windows you can. We're not going to make it hard. This is not some locked box by any stretch of the imagination."
'Bungies top secret new game, a sci-fantasy, action shooter codenamed Destiny is heading to Xbox 360 & Xbox 720, (or Xbox 8 yet unannounced) in the fall of 2013 according to court documents that outline the studios ten-year contract with Activision.
As part of the lawsuit between Activision and Infinity Wards ex founders, Jason West and Vince Zampella documents outline a four game plan with the first release on next-gen Xbox consoles in Fall 2013 and PS4 in 2014. Further games in the franchise will be released in 2015, 2017 and 2019 respectively, and additionally inbetween those releases will be downloadable expansion packs codenamed Comet, starting in fall 2014, then continuing in 2016, 2018, and 2020. So assuming its a massive hit with gamers, Destiny is on course to be one MASSIVE franchise.'
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