This is a really fun game. Best online mp fps and co-op game I've played in years and there's a ton of depth. It's a beautiful game that does so many things so well. I will be enjoying it for months along with all the other people that have actually played it and are loving it. Is the story bad? Yes. Could the boss fights use some work? Yes. Otherwise most other concerns are simply incorrect.
The score and criticisms don't make sense when you compare it to all the genres it touches on. Borderlands can get away with zero narrative, story and mind-numbing repetition. Your average fps can get away with a 6 hour throw away campaign as an excuse for the mp. Your average MMO or Skyrim can get away with zero narrative and endless grinding. Regardless I love all three of those genres and Destiny offers them all in one gorgeous and slick package... but its a 6. Absolute nonsense.
These reviews are more about attacking a big budget game and being a cynic about the game industry. I want artistic and different too, but I also just want to play enjoyable games for fun. Let's not throw away the best parts of gaming to heap praise for every 4 hour indie 2D side scroller. If all you're doing is waiting for the next triple A game to not meet sky high expectations... then go find another hobby.
I guess the PC master race and all the clowns that "watched gameplay video" can feel good about themselves. At the end of the day I will console myself with the fact that it made boat loads of money and that's all that really matters for the continuation of the series.
Having watched and played this at PAX... it is a terrible game. It took most people a few seconds to figure out how to awkwardly shuffle around the battlefield and spam QTE events.
@musalala What about The Last of Us? I don't know that anyone was just hooked and addicted to the pure gameplay the way a game like civilization, or BF or Angry Birds or Mario Kart or whatever your floats your boat can suck you in. The Last of Us was almost entirely about the presentation and story, the gameplay itself was just kind of there. Wouldn't it be like the equivalent of video game oscar bait.
As much as I want to hate Ubisoft, they are really making some of the most interesting new games this generation, especially Division. It's almost enough to make up for the fiasco that is Aisha Tyler.
Borderlands has always been a great idea with mediocre execution... and it's still a blast. I can't wait for Destiny. It looks to be so much more than Borderlands. This MMO shooter hybrid is a great idea. It could be a defining experience of this coming generation.
nephili232's comments