Hey I hope you all had a merry christmas hanakah Eid whatever you celebrate! I got lots of stuff for christmas! including my PS3! I got the uncharted drakes fourtune bundle! uncharted is really cool! I also got littlebigplant GOTY edition not great I like uncharted more. inFAMOUS is really fun and challenging in parts! ghostbusters is a harder game than I thought it would be! Avatar I havent played yet but I bet it is awesome! even though gamespot gave it a 5.1!:roll:
nessfury58 Blog
my opionion #2 new super mario bros.
by nessfury58 on Comments
Another my opionion! This time it's new super mario bros. for DS
story:Bowser JR. kidnaps peach and mario decides to save her. (aigain)
gameplay:this is a classic mario sidescroller where you jump on goombas eat mushrooms and kick some major ***!
graphics: The graphics are great for 2006 on ds!:) the level design is so awesome! and the character models are cool too!
sound: Some of the most amazing soundtrack in gaming history! There are new tunes and classic ones!
overall:this is one of the greatest games of all time it does have it's flaws but nothing major!
motion detecting 360 PS3
by nessfury58 on Comments
One of the most awesome systems to be relesed was the wii! One of the things that made it so awesome is motion controls:D Now I have recieved this shocking news! microsoft and sony are copying wii with motion controls!:o what terrible news copying a system to make more money! :evil: I do like sony but I like nintendo more and they are so well this face:arrow: :twisted: I know sony and microsoft (X box is worst system available now) fanboys are going to be so happy! but I'm not!:!:
youtubers you should check out!
by nessfury58 on Comments
YO! I am going to type some of my fav tubers so let's get started!
dashthegamer: he has'nt posted a video in a while but they ar really good!
fecman94: really good LPer backup channel:dreamcastfan94
sonikdude101: another great LPer!
wiiviewr: this guy only does wii reviews but they are the best wii reviews on youtube!
knightwing01: pretty good reviewer
stormdainproductions awesomeness on a youtube account!
petedorr: awesome collector!
soniccollectables: petedorr doing reviews of his sonic things.
gameking53: really awesome nintentv shows!
bored ...aigain!
by nessfury58 on Comments
It is 6:30 am! so why am I posting a blog? Read the title! I am going to get a profile pic soon!!! But this stupid computer suck's and I can't right now! BYE
by nessfury58 on Comments
Hey guy's I am bored so I am going to talk about one of my favorite bands! 9Well actually I have to type not talk er...) anyway's one of my favorite bands is QUEEN! My favorite QUEEN (yes I am going to keep spelling QUEEN with capitals because it is so awesome:D) is DON'T STOP ME NOW! I don't know why I just love it! When I get my PS3 ( hopefully:|!) I want QUEEN singstar. It look's fun and It uses the actual music video. I like there songs because they mix thing's up each time! well that's it guy's now I have to be bored again:(. Bye !!!
H1-N1 influenza shot
by nessfury58 on Comments
I got my H1-N1 influenza shot! (yay) It dosent hurt that much! you won't even go OW! if you dont look at it. But after a while it aches:(. But it really is okay!
by nessfury58 on Comments
For Xmas I am getting a PS3! I am so exited! I wanted a PS2 but PS3 is even better!
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