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Pokemon Silver Version

Pokemon FireRed Version

Pokemon Ruby Version

Pokemon Crystal Version

Pokemon Emerald Version

Pokemon Sapphire Version

Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Final Fantasy XII

God of War

Jak 3

Jak II

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus

Genji: Days of the Blade

Resistance: Fall of Man


Assassin's Creed

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Naruto: Narutimate Hero 3
Captures the spirit of the anime
This is by far the coolest and funnest game in the Ultimate Ninja series. With over 40 characters to choose from and unique custimazation, you could have a brawl with Hinata using Rasengan or Naruto using chidori!!! S... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Grand Theft Auto IV
NOT BAD !!! xD
I was defenitely excited to get this game, after watching IronMan, the fun just kept going with this game !!! This game is LEGIT !!!! WAY BETTER THAN SAN ANDREAS !!! Great Improvement over previous titles !!! Story: F... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy XII
I'm disappointed by Square-Enix...
When I first saw the previews for FFXII, my eyes glimmered with hope and I prepared myself for another adventure, because its been a real long time sonce a new FF title. I buy the game, and at first I am completely stunn... Read Full Review
10 of 26 users found the following review helpful
RockMan X4
My FIRST videogame...
The first system I got for Christmas was the PlayStation and MegamanX4 is the game that got me into the VideoGame World... I spent hours and hours trying to beat this game when I was a kid, and I didn't beat the game un... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Pokemon Crystal Version (Pokemon Special Edition GBC Bundle)
Ain't nothing like the Old School Pokemon...
Remember those simple childhood days where you lived to watch pokemon, talked about pokemon, dreamed about pokemon, and played the OLD pokemon games? What hapened to that ??? Whats up with this DIAMOND and PEARL business... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Dead Space
This game was...oh I don't know... INSANE !!!! Dude I've never played a horror game in my life until I picked this game up, and i was simply blown away!!! IF you love "f#@%ed up-ridiculously gory" games, you should defin... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
This game holds a lot of potential...
When I first played the demo, I thought this game was pretty sweet-O. If you think about it, its very interesting to play as a badass with powers to maneuver electricity, blow the sh@# out of bad guys, people, cars, gas ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!)
I think its the best in the series...
This is probably the most in-depth Final Fantasy game I've ever played. Any Final Fantasy Maniac who has NOT played this game should highly consider to do so! You'll learn to love EVERY single aspect of this brilliant ma... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy VII
The first RPG i ever played, and my favorite all time
Final Fantasy 7 is arguably the best game ever, if not the greatest rpg ever. With its deep emotional story, and great character development the games bad graphics seem like a trivial matter at best. The game set the bar... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Persona 4
Indescribable perfection...
Persona 4 is a phenomenal RPG that contains unique quality that I have not seen in years! P4 outshines new-generation gaming(online multilayer FPS/whatever...) with an innovative combat system infused with an engrossing,... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy XIII
A worthy title of the FF franchise, STOP reading negative reviews, read this one! :)
No towns? No magic gauges? No EXP? For a franchise in a long development and so eagerly anticipated, its odd to say that FFXIII is defined for what it lacks. It is a very curious title to the Final Fantasy franchise, man... Read Full Review
4 of 8 users found the following review helpful
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