@404FredNotFound We'll have our own chat up and running soon (same as Giant Bomb /chat) and editors will be looking there as well. Stay Tuned!
@nl_skipper GameSpot GamePlay will also be getting a show page soon, here: http://www.gamespot.com/shows/ :-)
@NTM23 There were several other editorial staff that had played these games ... just not on the live stream.
@TERMINATOR-SSD If you're having issues with the GameSpot video player not working, we're also live on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/gamespot
@Xbox1SinceDay1 We have to cater to the whole world when calculating higher resolution streams. We're still at a point where High Speed Internet is in the minority. We'll be working on upgrading the VoD (and streams) to 1080p by the new year.
@PFCMike It's afternoon time in Europe, and Evening time in Asia. We're just broadcasting as soon as Sony lets us. :)
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