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neurogrrrl Blog

vanishing emblems


So yesterday, after adding all the 2600 and O2 games to my collection, a "hella old school" emblem magically appeared. Nice picture of a 2600 joystick. Today, it has vanished. This saddens me deeply. I'm all like "wtf?" and my fear of abandonment issues rise right to the surface. May have to spend some time rocking back and forth. Perhaps if I upload all the O2 boxart, I can earn gamespot's love again.


Edit: the moment I hit submit and returned to my user page, it had reappeared!  It's like the gamespot can hear me.  Very creepy, but cool. 

so very old school


Whew.  I just finished adding all my Odyssey 2 and Atari 2600 games to my collection.  GOD HOW I LOVE IT SO.  For the record, in addition to those systems, I also have a Commodore 64, Apple IIe, and Tandy 1000ex.  There are probably only a few gamespot users who consider their NES console to be one of the newer systems.  I did notice that most of the Odyssey games have no boxart available.  I have the original box art for about half my collection, and could scan it if I had some idea how to submit the images.  Anyone?  



So I'm cleaning off my video game shelf and start plugging things in to see what still works.  Turns out my Ms. Pac Man handheld works fine.  It's one of those new joysticks that contains five different game ROMs.  Fast forward an hour and I've played a game of ms., a game of galaga, and about fifty games of Pole Position.  Like crack, I tell you.  Also, wtf is mappy?

Oh my aching wii


It's official, I'm a dork. I have actually thrown my back out playing (i.e. furiously flailing my arms) fractal343's Wii last night. I need to reign in the spaz on that Wii boxing fer sure.

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