god of war in vita and new final fantasy will be awesome..im very excited about the vita ...i preordered uncharted so that will keep happy for weeks :]
why gamespot let a xbox fan boy wrote a stupid article like that on it?!! grow up man and write better article than this cos its stupid and we dont care if you dont want to carry the vita with you not all ppl stupid like you..im done with gamespot = xboxfanboys ..back to IGN
i think ps desgin looks sexy and i dont care about the software that much all i care is about is the quailty of the games..you need to chill out you comparing PSVita with sony's smartphones?!! PSvita games is way way better than stupid angry birds ..i feel like the article kinda wrote by xbox fan boy...and 5 second to wake up the console is not a loooooooooong time ...my xbox took 5 seconds to start ..i think u need to chill out man
i liked the RE opreation raccoon ..it looks very fun and good story...so im very excited ...there is no hurry for RE6..i cant wait for opreation raccoon
it would be a nice if Snow was the main character with Serah and put a few romance scenes like final fantasy 10 then boooooooooooooooom best games ever
i have a problem with xbox version it always lag and graphic crashed many times!!!!! i wish i bought PS3 version :/ .......i have a quastion ..how i can be a vampire in this game? cos i really want to be one :] please any help
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