modern games like crysis 2 where you are forced to watch a long ass kid scene on first level before you can start running and gunning ruin gaming or all this dumbass scripted realtime cutscene bs like uncharted.
I just realized nintendo doesnt sell the screen controller for the wiiu lol what a bunch of garbage they limit you to just using one screen controller.
If they're too incompetent to make a decent game they could have simply re-made AvP2 with better graphics and call it a day...
People would still be calling it mediocre and/or garbage. Duke Nukem Forever - finished by Gearbox was sort-of Duke Nukem 3D with better graphics, and you saw how people reacted to it. Personally, from the game footage I've seen, in contrast to what's being said in the reviews, it seems like an ok game worth a purchase, just like the last AvP game. The fact that people review it with too much criticism for 'what it's missing' instead of what it provides only makes it easier for random internet posters to join along. lol duke nukem forever is nothing like duke nukem 3d it's more more linear.
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