nexusprime's forum posts
Square-Enix has nothing to do with Lost Odyssey or Blue Dragon, period, that's at least my understanding of the situation.Skylock00Thank you. This is exactly my point. Why people are bringing up these 2 games when Square Enix just announced that they have no plans for a 360 Final Fantasy is beyond me >_>
Can somebody explain to me who is developing Blue Dragon and Lost odyssey? Square Enix or Mistwalker?
Also I see alot of people saying things like FF went down the drain after FFVII or that FFXII was the worst one yet, Explain to me also how FF8, 9 and 10, when just released, could have been ANY BETTER than they were? or better yet give me a game that is better than it for its era. As for FFXII you may not like the battle system or the story but its THE highest caliber RPG Ive seen yet. But humans dislike change and just because its not a carbon copy of any other FF that they loved, they hate it.
I feel the same about UMK3. How can a developer go from the awesomness that is UMK3 to the craptacular crappy crap that armaggedeon is and not notice that somethings wrong there.
Also Bloody Roar. After 2 is was all downhill FAST from there.
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