@RSM-HQ: Il was going to choose metal gear as well. Also do you know if assassins creed unity is good? Better than syndicate? Heard that it has some bugs
Nicapoel007's forum posts
@SoNin360: il probably get the 2 week free trial ps plus for Christmas then two months for summer.
In my country theyre way expensive. 409 euros the bundle ps4 with a game
Il buy a Ps4 at Christmas and i was wondering if without having a ps plus subscription if it would be able to play local with a friend on the same play station or to create a room and play together?
Thanks in advance
So I decided to buy a Ps4 for Christmas. I was wondering what would be the best games to buy since il only buy 2. I like all kinds of games just dont tell me a 2D one...
Plus the ps4 comes in a bundle with a game. Whats best ?
Star Wars battlefront?
Batman arkham night?
Metal Gear Solid 5?
Black Ops III?
Ps4 it is then. Does anyone know if games like star wars battlefront that include online and campaign or like cod III require ps plus subscripion?
@Macutchi: i just found out that with ps4 you must buy monthly subscription to be able to play multiplayer...Um what??
@Macutchi: Thanks for the info. Il probably go for ps4. My friends use ps4 as well so it will be more fun plus i don't have much free time (studying) to customize my PC and keep improving it. Basically will only use it for approximately 3 years. Also what is a monitor?
Hi everyone. I just register to Gamespot because ive been having a dilemma on buying a ps4 or a gaming pc for Christmas. Im only 15 years old so most of the free time il have will be on holidays. I already have a laptop but its 3 years old and can barely run decent games on lowest graphics. The budget is around 500 euros. Could you tell me what would it be best to buy and why? Thanks in advance.
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