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#1 nichos24
Member since 2005 • 59 Posts
the first time I saw Mario he had a little side game with this other epic game, um i believe the game was called duck hunt. so whatever side game that was. ;)
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#2 nichos24
Member since 2005 • 59 Posts
my guess would bo too human, sadly. In development for a long time, and has been through litigation and another number of headaches. Maybe they decided it has already put them too far into the red, and their projections didn't predict any amount of sales equalling the losses. Although I may be wrong certainly, afterall they have projected a trilogy in the works.
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#3 nichos24
Member since 2005 • 59 Posts

Yes this is a legit PC complaint. Not another misconeption thread lol but a legit PC gaming complaint. You really can't argue with the fact that the PC has these three genre's on lock

  2. RTS
  3. FPS

Not to mention that it has tons of games both AAE and AAAE. Hell we all know that it has the most quality games out there. But at the end of the day it still has one glaring weakness to me.

I need to play Fighters and I need to play JRPGs. The PC just doensn't have an abundance of either of them nor does it really ever get high profile releases of either in this genre. Yes there is Guilty Gear for PC but I can't play Tekken, Soul Calibur, Shin Megami Tensei ect on a PC.

So while the PC remains strong on most fronts it does it does have two weak points in my view. Yes two isn't alot but they are two reasons that do warrent a purchase of at least one console in my book.

Well okay its not a weakness which leads to the utter destruction of PC gaming lol (come on guys work with me here :P ) But no matter how good PC gaming is it just doesn't cut it when it comes to JRPG's and Fighters. For that I need my console. Preference aside the PC doesn't offer much in these two genre's and although it is an immensly strong platform I don't see how anyone can argue against the point that PC isn't weak in these two genres.


I enjoy how you utilize photos when you post. Its spices things up a bit when reading

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#4 nichos24
Member since 2005 • 59 Posts
well out of the current 3 contestants I have to say fuzzysquash is the odds on favorite. Its like my Rec football team playing the patriots.
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#5 nichos24
Member since 2005 • 59 Posts

[QUOTE="yoshi_64"]I concur with DanBal76. Random battle occurences feel so outdated to me now. It was a system more built on the limitations of consoles I believe and with today's technology... not having some entity out on the field you explore or having te enemies out and about a la FF XII, just feels wrong now at times. It's a nuissance as you must aimlessly wander blindly into battles just to find an enemy or get taken into battle when you don't want to. Usually the result of random battles means you will be dying a lot, or having low items/health throughout because of constant unwanted battles, and then it creates a need for needless grinding just to survive in long winded dungeons. [/QUOTE

but you know what? many hardcore JRPG fans including myself thought that 12 was worst in the series.worse than 10-2 (which was decent, but not good)

The thing is though that JRPGs that go for realtime tend to endup being a wannabe WRPG and far behind. It feels awful. Other that or like a MMO combat system


I agree 12 was horrible, X-2 was much better. There is just something about a game where you can set all your characters to do the action for you that is off putting. You could literally go 20-30 minutes without doing anything other then running around, it was a horrible mistake on squares part. With that said LO looks amazing and I'm sorry that some people can't see that, it is however their opinion and they are entitled to it. On a side note I'm sick of people saying that JRPG's don't belong on the 360, I own Enchanted Arms, Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata and I enjoy them all. Granted I'm one of a small minority, it is still nice to have the added variety to so many FPS heavy hitters.

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#6 nichos24
Member since 2005 • 59 Posts

The gap doesn't close unless the PS3 outsells the Wii. :| If the Wii is still outselling it, the gap continues to grow.nintendofreak_2

Thank god someone else took 5th grade math.

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#7 nichos24
Member since 2005 • 59 Posts

inflation + weakening dollar = inevitable price raises for everything.

Also with game companies spending more money on each game, producing the same kind of profit to show off to investors becomes difficult.

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#8 nichos24
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[QUOTE="Lazy_Boy88"]You mean how PDZ is counted as one of 360's "AAAEs" yet barely is AA average?....and really if released after launch hype would be lucky to get a %60 average. I don't think there's been one instance where GS overrated a non-360 game this gen aside from Warioware. Started underrating PS2 games and overrating Xbox ones last gen and it has only gotten worse.Yellow_Rose

Stop grasping for straws. We've always gone by Gamespot and we will continue to do so. I didn't see PS3 fans crying about this last generation when PS2 games were doing well.:roll: It has switched roles and now you wanna change the way System Wars works? Take it or leave it.

Let's look at Blue Dragon shall we.

Oh look. GS's score of Blue Dragon is the second lowest score given to this game.

GS is "teh biased" against the 360 :roll:

I have been saying this over and over again since the RoC score showed up, but sony fans have never once acknowledged me.

Its very frustrating how much they cry about the bias but will never listen to a counter argument. Its a shame too because Blue Dragon was an excellent game that I really enjoyed. It flopped here and we got over it fairly quickly, not crying about Gamespots bias day after day.

On Topic, Naruto is a very fun game thus far and I feel deserving of a score better then 7.5. But i'm not planning on starting conspiracy theories about Gamespots hidden agenda.

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#9 nichos24
Member since 2005 • 59 Posts

Blue Dragon GS = 6.0 GR = 7.7

RoC GS = 7.5 GR = 9.1

Guys, I know it sucks when a game you are really looking forward to flops, but it happens.

Gamespot is not biased, they flop games for every system, Blue Dragon happens to be one of my

favorite games. don't base all your decisions on reviews, different people get different things out of

games. In this case Gamespots reviewer didn't happen to agree with the overwhelming majority.

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#10 nichos24
Member since 2005 • 59 Posts

[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Nope. Get over it when a game flops. It isn't the end of the world, it's a game. That's all! Just have fun and quit being so serious over a game.ljlrj

like u said that i cant wait for a high profile 360 game come out and gets an bad score butthen again i think gamespot is own by ms cuz they give great reviews 2 them

BLUE DRAGON. Everyone seems to forget how bad that flopped compared to game rankings. 17% if i recall correctly.

GS wasn't biased then. In fact PS3 fan's couldn't stop saying how GS reivews were all that mattered.Turn about is fair play