if keep on failing try and go back somewhere and draw a ton of magic or u can turn items into magic assuming that u have that ability by now. When u draw magic and junction it to attitrubutes its sohuld increase your strength Hp Etc. this way u can do more damage to the boss. Also if u need help on boss. Try casting Aura on everyone in your party. Aura is the best spell in the game and ur going ot need it because it lets ur chartchers cast their limit breaks. this way u dont need ot be almost dead to cast ur limit breaks. Also if your summons have the bosst abilty. hit select when your summoning them and presses square rapidly u should see a little number go up that sohuld increase damage done by that summon.
Citzen Kane is the closet movie to perfection, so is The Shinning. AS far as games, OOT, and SMB 3 are really close to perfection, but thats subjective because what one person like another person doesn't necessary like. The is one perfect game theoricatlly speaking. A perfect game is differnet for everybody. There is also no greatest game.
ive been having problems with steam latelly. I bought Star Wars Knights of the old republic off there. And i installed the game and downloaded it on my comp. Which is farily old by todays standards but defintally exceeds all of the requirments for Kotor. And the hour glass shows up and than the windows error message shows up and says it has encountered a problem. i have dled the game twice now and it still does this.
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