try to buy this.
nickisthemost's forum posts
That's rediculous! They should NOT remake it. If they spent the next five years remaking VII then we wouldn't have a new final fantasy because too many people would be busy with the remake. Do you really want to wait for 7 or 8 years for a NEW game so that they can just remake one that you've already played? Are you really that focused on graphics and care about nothing else? personally I hate remade versions.. ffVII was amazing how it was and I'd never want them to change it. and they'd make less money this way, both because of how long it'd take them and because not everyone would be willing to pay 80$ or however much it would cost on the ps3 just for a graphics upgrade. STOP making posts about this.. crushgoil
It's just a game dude relax........ i don't mind the remake as long as it's still contain the original story. and much important is having fun........playing it.
dont worry about it. considering were talking about FFXII, youll definitely end up playing thru it again, at which point you can get the zodiac spear. for now, just get either wyrmhero blade or tournesol. theyre both pretty good replacements. also, as said before, you CAN get it as a treasure in the henne mines, but its very rare.
just keep going and once you finish the game, youll want to start over. get it the 2nd time thru and just stick with Tournesol for now.
thank for the advice, but i have already start it over again cause there is no Game plus after finish the game so i would finish all the quests in the game in one play, have to skip all the cutscene :x. so here come the question what is the thing that i should look out for just incase i miss something, and i don't want to restart again :P. thanz in advance.
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