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nicknees93 Blog

My Top 5 iPhone/iPod Games

Lately I've been downloading a lot of apps off the iTunes App Store. These are my top 5 favorite games that I've downloaded.

5. Space Deadbeef

This is a free, sidescrolling, futuristic shooter. Probably the best free game on the App Store. Although the enemies are repetative, the game manages to increase it's difficulty at a reasonable pace, and keeps you playing. Unlimited replay value, you should definitely check it out.

The Boss is always the same, but it's always fun.

4. iShoot

I first downloaded the Lite version of this game and was hooked on that. When I downloaded the full version and saw all the amazing extras you get, including multiplayer, I was officially addicted. In this strategy game you play a Tank. You fight other Tanks to the death with a vast assortment of weapons. There area large varietyof different,completely destructablemaps to play on as well. You can play online and even create your own ruleset for multiplayer. I highly recommend you pick up the full version.

You can fight tanks on Mt. Rushmore... 'nuff said.

3. Pocket God

Pocket God is a game in which you are the "god" on an island of pymies. You can do as you please to these pygmies. You can throw them into a volcano, burn them alive, or train "sharks with frickin' laser beams on their heads" to shoot them. Or you can throw a dance party and cook them DoDo bird. The world is yours. It's pure, mindless fun and a great stress reliever. Frequent updates keep you coming back time and time again. Download it now!

You'll never get bored, believe me.

2. Battle Bears

Battle Bears mixes mindless fun, cuddly stuffed animals, blood, gore, rainbows, and a great story. You play as Oliver, a teddy bear who just stole some magical gifts from some cuddly, huggable, stuffed animals. On the way back from his mission, his cart breaks a wheel and he must fight for his life against wave after wave of "Huggables." There is a variety of creative weapons, and a survival mode to keep you coming back. Download the full version, not the Lite.

Seriously, what's not to love?

1. Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor

In this puzzle/platformer, you play as a Spider crawling around Bryce Manor eating your fill of bugs. But the bugs aren't really the main focus of the game. There is a deeper story to this intruiging platformer. There is a Secret in Bryce Manor which you must decipher. I went through the whole game the first time not understanding what the secret was, however on my second playthrough, I was amazed. There is a ton of replay value to be had with 4 different modes of play. And the soundtrack really puts the icing on the cake. I wish I could get my hands on a copy of the soundtrack to listen while I'm not playing the game. Download this app NOW!!

This game is beautiful

I hope you check out some of my recommendations, I promise you won't be disappointed. Peace.

Metal Gear Solid!

I never got to play Metal Gear Solid when it first came out because I wasn't allowed to play M rated games when I was eight, nine, ten, etc. Whenever the games were coming out. But now that I'm pretty much bored with my Xbox 360 for the time being. I'm going back to the classics. I got MGS 1 and I'm in the process of playing it. I can't wait to finish so I can get the Essentials Collection of MGS for PS2. The one problem I might have is getting to play MGS4 since I don't have a PS3. Oh well, I'll figure it out I guess.

That's all for now, just wanted to do a quick update.

Okay, I'm Back

Well, I've been totally out of it for a really long time. I missed E3 for the most part and only caught up on some of the stuff I missed by watching videos. I barely know anything about gaming right now except for what comes in my monthly Game Informer. I haven't even seen the forums in months. I even contemplated leaving GameSpot altogether. But I decided to come back today and maybe see whats going on.

As for why I've been gone. Mainly because it's summer, I've been out and about. Relaxing, drinking, having fun with people, and hanging out with my girlfriend. Very few video games have entered either my 360, Wii, or my computer this summer, and I also thought about giving up gaming. So far the only game I've played is Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe for the ENTIRE SUMMER. It's pretty fun, but usually I play a lot more. Anyway, I guess I'll gradually start to be more active on the site as summer comes to a close. Hope everybody is doing well. Peace.

Going To California For 2 Weeks!

Hey everybody I'm going to California for about two and a half weeks. I probably won't be able to post any blogs for that whole period of time because I won't have access to anything but my iPod Touch. And for some reason I can't write blogs on my iPod Touch. I'll still be on Twitter though so you can follow me there. Anyway I'll talk to everybody when I get back! Peace!

Follow Me on Twitter!

Hey guys, for the few of you that read my blogs, yo may be interested in following me on Twitter. Sometimes I post interesting links to interesting things, but mostly I just tweet about how my day is going. If you want to check it out my Twitter account is


Sims 3 Updated Impressions

So I got to play today. It's pretty awesome so far. I'm not gonna use cheats my first go round so all the updates I post will be legit.

So far all I could afford are some basic furniture and appliances, the appliances and decorations etc. are basically the same we've seen before. I'm sure this will change when the first expansion comes out. There is a large variety of options for furniture and stuff though, don't get me wrong.

The customization is RIDICULOUS. I made a 3 person family to start with and they look identical to the people I modeled them after. As for the way they interact and act as people, it's much better than what I remember from previous games. They aren't huge idiots although sometimes they need direction. Interaction is as usual. You can choose what your Sims do, or they can go about their lives without your control. For the first time you can walk around the town and meet friends from all different areas of the town. For instance, today I met a woman at the library with one of my Sims.

The Basic Nuclear Family

The tutorial level is very helpful for newcomers or maybe people who haven't played for a while. I went through the tutorial and everything is going fine.

The Sims have goals in life, and you can fulfill them over time. I'm not sure if this has been done before in a Sims game because I haven't played for so long, but it is a cool feature and adds depth to your Sims. Getting a job is easy and a good way to make money. I haven't earned a promotion as of yet because I just started today, but I'll let you know when it does happen.

I could go on and on, but the best way to experience the Sims 3 is to just try it yourself. Definitely worth $50, go out and get it now!

But before you do... comment below.

Getting the Sims 3 A Day Early?!

So my buddy just got a job at Gamestop and he got the Sims 3 early. He lent it to me to try out so I'm in the process of installing it. I'll update with my impressions either later tonight or tomorrow. I'm pretty excited considering it got Editor's Choice on GameSpot.

Verizon FiOs is Amazing?! / Restarting My Music Collection!

Well, I recently had Verizon FiOs installed at my house. I was very skeptical of how it would work at first. I loved Comcast and didn't think Verizon could do it better. Turns out I was wrong! After a very destructive installation, it was finally done. They had to dig in my yard and were all over my house installing boxes, dongles, and wires. Luckily it was completely worth it. The internet speed is not noticeably better at first, but it is better when compared to Comcast. Download speeds are ridiculously fast. I usually get about 1.1 MB/s on most downloads as opposed to the 600-800 KB/s on Comcast. The wireless has yet to disconnect, and the ethernet connection is flawless. If you are capable, I'd definitely reccomend getting Verizon FiOs.

In other news, I'm restarting my music collection because it got out of hand with pointless music that I don't listen to... ever. So far it's very limited compared to my over 4,000 song collection now. I have about 300 songs so far. All the Death Cab for Cutie albums, all the Blink-182 albums, the new Eminem album, and the Slumdog Millionaire album. Also, most Lil' Wayne albums. I need suggestions for great music. Any genre but country is good. Comment below, thanks!

Just Saw Star Trek!

I have never been, and probably never will be, a "Trekky." But the new Star Trek movie made me wish I was one. It was amazing! I won't write a full review right now because I don't have time, but I just wanted to post a quick blurb about it. It was awesome. Great action, good story, probably too many cliched and gimmicky lines to make people laugh but that was easily overlooked. I saw it in IMAX and it was incredible, but I imagine the movie on a regular screen would be stunning too. I'd reccomend it to anyone, not just Star Trek fans.

If you're looking for some other great films too, you should head on over to My Youtube Channel. Sorry, couldn't resist the shameless plug. Anyway, that's all for now.

Live Long and Prosper! Haha.

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